Kage Davies
4 months ago

Project Update: Combined Shipping

So we have just over two days left! Thank you everyone for your support so far. 

Before the campaign ends I just want to make sure its clear how the combined shipping will work. 
(This only applies if you've also backed the Curiosity Shop Campaign on Kickstarter.)

  • Backerkit will charge you for shipping after the campaign has finished. 
  • Backerkit does not give me the option to automatically give you free shipping.

Once the campaign has finished, I will finalise the options and send out the surveys within a day or two. At this point you will be prompted to pay shipping. After you've completed your survey, and paid the shipping, I will refund you that amount through Kickstarter. 

This sounds a bit messy, but its the only way to offer this as an option. Its easy for me to cross reference the lists and do it manually because you all got an exclusive reward as well :). If you'd rather get a shipping upgrade instead, or a freebie, just message me via Kickstarter. I can make a note on your pledge to organise any special requests. 

Any questions, concerns or requests please feel free to get in touch any time. 




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