Kage Davies
3 months ago

Project Update: Update and an Apology

Hey hey ~

So, just a quick explaination why surveys haven't gone out yet. I'm sorry for the delays.

Not long after the last update, I began to hear that there were big changes coming up for EU shipping. I didn't want to jump the gun on an announcement until I fully understood the implications, but right now its looking like a complicated situation. From the 13th December, there are drastic changes to shipping into the EU. A lot of small business are pulling shipping into the EU entirely, because its very unclear what exactly is required, and it may be very expensive to set up. 

I don't want to make any final decisions until we've seen how things work though. It could be the case that it seems more complicated than it is in practice, and usually the first few weeks when things change over are when its most confusing, and most mistakes are made.

However. I can't put the surveys out until I know exactly what we're doing. So on that note, we're going to be delaying shipping and surveys until at least February. Its still within our projected timeline, but that's not a firm guarantee. I will keep you updated. 




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