Project Update: THREE DAYS LEFT + Orca pin
Good afternoon, criminals!
I have to run to close this evening. We have about 72 hours left in the CRITTER CRIMES campaign. We've been doing really great, and there's not much else to unlock. Let's hit all the necessary points for this update...
I have to run to close this evening. We have about 72 hours left in the CRITTER CRIMES campaign. We've been doing really great, and there's not much else to unlock. Let's hit all the necessary points for this update...
The Piracy Orca pin is the 10k winner! Orca pins and stickers will be available to all backers during the survey.
In an unfortunate mirror of recent events, almost half of our backers didn't actually vote on the backer-choice pin they earned. Terrible. Did my Americans not learn their lesson? You guys have to vote for something. I know all the candidates are criminals, but, at least use your damn privileges.
Whatever the turnout ended up being, our Orca pin won by a decent margin. The runner-up was the amateur electrician squirrel, followed by the moose. Oh well. Voter issues or not, at least the criminal that won is taking direct action against billionaires and the climate crisis. I wish our shoe-in Democrats actually did that, instead of just having affairs and turning their back on minorities.
I won't be making most of these pins this time around, but I, honestly, might throw the squirrel people a bone. We're on a decent budget surplus right now. How do you guys feel? Would you be interested in buying the Squirrel pin or sticker? Let me know below.
Speaking of budget surplus, I'm adding a hyena. I don't care that nobody voted for it, it's going to sell at furry cons, and I want money. I'll post sketches with tomorrow's 48 hour update.
Have you backed for a PRIDE PARROT yet? I might abuse your funds, but, at least I'm giving some of them to a good cause this time. $2 from each pin will go to GMHC this year.
I'm about to head to work, but, let's go over a few quick reminders about the post-campaign phase.
- The first round of charges will happen shortly after CRITTER CRIMES closes. Is your credit card on file up to date? Go check! Due to a very, very quick production cycle on these pins, I will not be as gentle with dropped charges or issues as I was with GAP.
- We'll be doing surveys about a week and a half after CRITTER CRIMES closes on the 11th. I need to set up the pledge manager and item details, but, about 5% of you will get a smoke test to make sure everything is going well. Then, the rest of you can pick your pins and add whatever extras you'd like.
- If you purchased a CUSTOM CRIME, be ready to give feedback! I'll be collecting basic details from you on your survey, but we'll probably need to do some back-and-forths after your first sketch. Keep an eye on your BackerKit email for a message from my business email, [email protected].
- Questions? Comments? Complaints? Stick 'em below. I am always open for feedback from customers, and, frankly, you might need to poke me if I missed you earlier.
That being said, I am still struggling dealing with the UK VAT office on BIRD CRIMES. This was brought up on bsky last week, and I have been a little too busy dealing with my dog trying to kill herself to get a thorough writeup set for those backers.
If you are still missing UK rewards from that campaign, expect a thorough update and instructions some time this weekend or early next week. You are on my list, but, considering how long it's been without a resolution, you are sadly not my top priority right now.
Peace. Take it easy this weekend, everyone. If you're a local, enjoy this weather while it lasts - take what you can get.