This month is drawing to a close, and I am eternally grateful for the added support everyone of you have shown. I am still hard at work getting all items lined up and almost everything has been submitted for production / is in production currently. The first items received were the microfiber lens cloths, which turned out so nice!
Pink Lemonade Noopy is still proving to be a problem child, but have no worries! His brother Lavender is on a flight back to China to help out and get him looking his absolute best!
He still just a little smol and a little roo roumd. We shall see how he turns out once the updates are made~
Preorder store closing on backerkit & surveys ("orders") being locked down soon!
If you were wanting to get any of the items at our special rates or secure yourself for one of the Noopy plush, please be sure to place your order by August 31st. As a reminder: Payment methods will not be charged at that time. If you've added additional items you can anticipate your payment method being charged around September 10th. If you've already filled out your survey, please take a moment to do one last double check on your items. Backers who did not add the qualifying freebie items have had the items added manually. If you have NOT filled out your survey yet, please do so as soon as possible. I cannot fulfill your rewards until you do. Currently there are about 20 backers who still have not filled out their surveys.
Coming soon: Shipping rate break-down for folks to see and get an idea on what their final shipping rates will be come November. Full disclosure: Because the campaign has done so well and with the hiccups on sample approvals, our estimated fulfillment timeframe has been pushed from October to now possibly December. Once we get closer to November, I will be following up with the next steps on charging shipping for all backers.
Thank you all for your continued support and patience!