Project Update: Premium Cut Design Voting Begins!
Hello previous backers and other folks interested in my projects! It is October from the past since I'm writing this way before it will post! How are you? I have covid and am doing absolutely awful, but it sure is giving me time stuck in bed to pick at setting up my upcoming campaign: Carrion Baggage! I'm very in character for it and everything since I feel like a carcass. Anyway, I'm here with great news:
The poll for voting for a favorite Premium Cut design is open!
Premium Cuts are full sized plush bags and I would love some community help to prioritize which designs to go for first. Pick whichever design you like the most! Whichever design has the most votes will be the first one unlocked, the second most the second unlocked, and so on. There is the chance for all 4 bags too!
Introducing the Premium Cuts!
First up is Bear Chow, a limp chunk of spawning color sockeye salmon! The zipper would go around the meaty end, and the interior is a salmon color to match the flesh. The salmon's fin design is from our popular dead sockeye salmon sticker!
Then we have Mako Chow, a slab of yellowfin tuna that sticks out more stiffly like many photos of frozen tunas you may have seen. This would have the same zipper placement as Bear Chow with a bright red interior to match the outer flesh.
Then we have Mako Chow, a slab of yellowfin tuna that sticks out more stiffly like many photos of frozen tunas you may have seen. This would have the same zipper placement as Bear Chow with a bright red interior to match the outer flesh.
Next is Alley Chow, a trash animal buffet! This would have a banana peel shoulder cushion and would be mostly a shimmering/metallic fabric. The interior would have a puddle of ooze with a fish skeleton, and the zipper would of course go around the lid. It's not meat, but it fits the theme in a fun way.
And finally we have Royal Chow, a suckling boar fit for the table of a king. Because this is a complex design that would be made with longer pile materials it would not be as large as the 2-Bone meat bags, but still much larger than a mini bag. The interior would be a fleshy pink to match the nose.
All these bags would be based on a measurement of around 28 inches, but the interior space would still vary just based on the shape. Alley Chow would likely end up being the most space, and Royal Chow would probably be the smallest. Bear Chow will probably fit larger items than Mako Chow but it won't have the same volume. I made these models based on a bunch of conceptual shots in the dark I was taking during a drawing session (except for Mako Chow, that one I got all excited to make while I was in the process of sculpting Bear Chow) I completely ditched the idea of the Crunchy Dubia for it. Sorry Crunchy Dubia, and sorry to any of you insectivores out there. :( But if you still like Crunchy Dubia or want to see even more designs don't miss tomorrow's update!
I'm going to be sharing all sorts of behind the scene stuff while we approach our launch! I'm really looking forward to this upcoming project.
Also, in case you didn't know, Carrion Baggage is running as part of Pintopia 2025, and our partner campaign is by the skilled animator grind3h! They're going to be offering some ADORABLE dragon pins! If you back both of our campaigns freebies await you, so make sure to keep your fingers on the pulse and sign up for project alerts! You can sign up for my campaign here and for grind3h's here!
Anyway, I'm gonna go back to fading in and out of useful consciousness while sweating my guts out between doses of dayquil. See you in the future when this finally publishes!
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
141 votes
• 15 days left