17 days ago

Project Update: Chopping Block - Bags that didn't make the cut

Not long 'til launch!! I'm super excited and have been working hard on making sure everything is set up to go as smoothly as possible. I can take a lil break to share some stuff with you though. Remember the sketches from the last update? Well, Crunchy Dubia was not the only bag idea I left behind. Due to uncertainties surrounding future tariffs and the rise in prototyping cost there were several other ideas that got left behind. The fried chicken leg, whole turkey, cooked shrimp, and grilled squid were all cut, along with a dino nugget one that I feel insane for not keeping, but I know I'd be hearing a lot about making all the other dinos and that would've consumed the whole campaign.

Do any of these stand out to you?
Let me know! There's always a chance I could fund something out of pocket in the future, and I'm not completely adverse to adding another design or two. I'm going to attach a poll since I'm super curious to know your opinions!

The very earliest sketches. You can see the beginnings of the ideas for the Royal Chow, Bear Chow, and Fried Egg bags too! Dino nuggie bag is still extremely tempting.

There were several other designs that I don't even have the sketches for still, but that's because I found them pretty lackluster. I think the only one I would consider reviving were the milky bone-ish Inspired mini bag and Filet Mignon mini bag, but there's already one kind of steak on the docket and the other relies on a trademarked term to be recognizably identified as a treat and not an off-color bone, so I'm not too sure. Bacon wrapped filet mignon where the bacon unwraps to be a tiny purse handle maybe? Dunno! Other stuff I thought of and didn't take very far this time around are a meatloaf (too boring,) a tattered zebra ribcage (possibly too gory and upsetting to encourage folks to carry around in public spaces,) boiled octopus (grilled squid was cuter,) octopus style hotdogs (squid won again,) a boiled egg (fried egg is cuter,) and several kinds of roadkill (when I found out another plush maker already had 2 of the 5 species I'd sketched as roadkill plush I ditched the idea.) 

More stuff is on the way!
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