Lexidus Art
11 months ago

Project Update: 🎊 Vote for New Freebie Pin Design! 🎊 + Post-Campaign Info

Hey Shroomie gang! I hope everyone had a great weekend and is enjoying their new week so far. 😎
I wanted to give everyone's email inboxes a little bit of a breather before I updated again, since I know most of our inboxes have been filling up with all kinds of Backerkit emails since Pintopia ended. I'll still keep the necessary info nice and brief though. But FIRST, and as promised, here are the designs options for our free commemorative backer train Shroomie pin!

Pin size, colors and details still TBD. These are simply rough concepts / ideas to choose from.

That was such a ridiculously fun train ride together on Thursday, and what an incredible way to finish Pintopia! Just under 3 hours of overtime mode with a 30-person backer train?! I knew I had to do something fun to commemorate the event. Which is why I wanted to put together a silly new "backer train" Shroomie pinβ€”and your guys' ideas have been SO FUN to sketch out! I've already been having an absolute blast throughout this entire project, and to have ended it on such a high note with so many of you was a tremendous honor I'll never forget :') Thank you again!!

I will say, a similar Shroomie train pin design is also in the works for a super-secret project πŸ‘€ So as much as I love the thematics of having a train pin to commemorate our backer train, I'd be just as happy to go with any of these other designs for our freebie pin! Hopefully I can share more about the secret project soon. 

Use the poll at the end of this update to vote for your favorite design! The winner will be finalized into a new enamel pin, included for free with all pledge tiers as my special thanks to you for making this project a success :)❀


Post-Campaign Info:

πŸ„ Pending / Failed Payments β€” You guys have likely already seen charges for your Pintopia pledge(s) come through, including for this project. If you get any notifications via email or in your Backerkit account though about a failed payment, please see Backerkit's Help Article on how you can fix it (and reach out if you need further help)! Please note that you will not be able to get any of your pledge items (from my campaign or any other projects you pledged to) until your funding goes through. Thanks in advance for getting it taken care of, and a huge round of applause to all of you who already have your pledges cleared and good to go :)πŸ‘

πŸ„ Reward Surveys β€” Sometime within the next 1-2 weeks, you'll get an email with your post-campaign reward survey for this project. This is where you'll select your pin design(s), provide your shipping address, and have the chance to add-on any more items that you may have missed during the live campaign! Note that this is also where you'll be charged shipping for your order. Keep an eye on your inbox, 'cause it'll be on its way soon πŸ’Œ

πŸ„ Pre-Order Store β€” If you missed the live campaign OR know of someone who did and still wants a chance to get their Shroomies, never fear! My pre-order store is already open, and will be up for a little while here: ✦ Shroomie Roomies Pre-Order Store ✦


Final Wizard Shroomie Colors!

Thanks to your feedback and vote, we now have a finalized and updated color scheme for the "Yer A Wizard Shroomie" pin! Thank you so much for your help with this, and I'm thrilled that more people can enjoy this design now with the new, more magical color palette :)

This begs the question though, since the blue/purple color scheme was such a close second ... Should I put the blue Wizard Shroomie on the sticker sheet? Or would you prefer the enamel pin and sticker to match? Let me know your vote here!


πŸ’– Until next update, all my love and thanks to you again :) The mushroom army is coming to life because of YOU, and I cannot wait for everyone to get their new mushroom friends in-hand! As soon as your reward surveys are filled out and I have final tallies for how many pins to order, production will start right away.

Talk to you all again soon! Have a great week,

132 votes β€’ Final results
user avatar image for Lexidus Art





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