Lexidus Art
10 months ago

Project Update: 💪 Production Begins + Surprise Announcement 💪

Hello again, shroomie gang! 😎 Thanks for your patience since the last update; I was travelling out of state last week, but I'm thrilled to see that during this time, we now have 92% completion on all reward surveys! HUGE round of applause to all of you for getting these filled out and sent in. 👏💖 To the remaining 19 backers who haven't filled theirs out yet, please submit your survey ASAP.  You'll find your survey in your email inbox, BackerKit account, or here at this link: Shroomie Roomies - Reward Survey. Without completing your survey, you won't be able to receive any of the items you pledged for, so DON'T LEAVE YOUR SHROOMIES BEHIND!

With the majority of the final pin counts in now though, pin production will officially begin this week :) Woohoo!! Stickers have been ordered as well, and most of those will probably be in by the end of this month. And the sticker BOOKS have finished production already and are on their way to me in the mail right now!

I'm still finalizing the art files on the Freebie Backer Train pin, as well as the new design from a custom pledge tier backer (to be shown and released soon). 👀 And speaking of, we have a final winner from the polls for our freebie pin! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Shroomie Train pin to the fungi family :D

(RIP conga line and frog warrior. May you both return full force in a future campaign! 🙏)

(Loose sketch. Line art and colors still to be finalized.)

As a friendly reminder, ALL backers will be getting x1 of this pin included for FREE with your order. You don't have to do anything to receive it, and you should've already seen it included in your cart during the survey :)

If this design is one that you'd like to get multiples of, let me know in the comments, and I can make it available as an add-on so that anyone can get more than one. Otherwise, any leftovers will eventually be available in my Etsy store.

Finally, I'm honored to make a special announcement of yet ANOTHER new pin that's been an incredibly fun super-secret project up until now 👀 Right after Pintopia ended, the amazing team behind BackerKit commissioned me to design an exclusive pin that also commemorates their backer train feature! But get this: my pin is going to be the first of MANY collectible train pins to come! Over time, you'll be able to collect more attachable train car pins from BackerKit, and link them all up to make your own endless train pin!! 🤩 How brilliantly awesome is that?!

BackerKit is going to be handling the production and distribution of this pin, so at the moment, I can't say for sure how / when you'll be able to obtain it. But keep an eye out for this commemorative new design, exclusively from BackerKit! I personally can't wait to see all of the other train car pins that they'll produce over time; this is going to be such a fun and unique collectible :D

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out or leave a comment below! I'd love to know what you guys think of the two new train pins as well. 🚂💖

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