over 1 year ago

Project Update: You're Amazing!

Dearest Backers,

What a campaign! You brought us to nearly 200% funded, and we're so grateful.

There is much to do as we head out to meet our timeline. One of our first items of business will be to set up a pre-order page. We're doing this because from the moment the campaign ended, requests came in from late arrivals. We won't be able to offer late pre-order prices as low as the campaign prices our backers received, but we'll do our best. We're crunching the numbers and projections right now to figure that out. So, if you're one of our late followers, stick with us and fear not. A pre-order page is coming.

We have a Lightraiders Discord server almost complete. If you're not familiar with Discord, it is a type of digital community where folks can hang out, chat, and share. Ours was built entirely by the same Lightraiders teens you may have seen in our videos, under the supervision of our adult team who mostly stood around and asked, "How are you making it do that?" Those teens are pretty incredible. All Lightraiders backers will get a special Discord invitation that will give you a special role on our server, recognizing your amazing contribution to getting us off the ground. Stand by for that backer-only update.

Once again, we're so grateful to all of you, and we're incredibly excited for what the future holds!

The Lightraiders Team
user avatar image for Lightraiders





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