Hey there, I'm Elliot the creative mind behind our delightfully eerie baked goods plushies. With a flair for the gothic and a taste for the macabre, these plushies blend the unexpected! Think spooky, gothic-inspired creatures with a twist of baked goods charm. My work is a reflection of a creativity (fueled by neurodivergence, and depression yay) where shadows and sweetness collide. I've always been passionate about combing the confectionery and creepy. In person I'm actually allergic to all artificial food dyes, they're like a poison to me. Now, I invite YOU to indulge in that draught. Drink the poison, and forever live deliciously with your new little buddy.
Bottom of the page, time to sweep up the final dust bunnies and display the last cobwebs. So, without further ado let's talk about the last hanging gossamer threads.
🔪What happens if this project isn't funded~
Nothing, you wont be charged any money, and plushies will not be made. If this happens I'd just be wrapping up, consuming buckets of energy drinks, and hitting the chalk board for better ideas.
🔪What happens if a tier isn't unlocked~
Then that plushie will not be available for purchase. They won't appear on the drop down list when surveys are sent, and, you'll have to pick a different plushie. If it gets close to unlock, I may bite the bullet and produce them anyway (This of course is subject to digression and what backers want).
🔪When do surveys go out~
After the campaign ends the first round goes out within a month usually. You will be able to change your choice on plushie until after all proto-types are made and posted! (that way you know what you're adoptee looks like)
I just wanted to say one final time, thank you. Thank you to all of you who believed in me enough to support my dream. Who had my story resonate within themselves as well. Just know, I see you, and I appreciate you! To my vocal new friends, to my silent sufferers, you're all amazing, all valid, and I consider you all friends.