Project Update: Colorway Update: All Colors Completed, Survey incoming!
Lavender x Black
We finally were able to get a lavender I'm satisfied with. It's not an exact match due to the nature of printing but I don't think it's anywhere near as jarring as it was before. I think this light lavender matches the more saturated lavender pretty well!
To recap all the colors:
Pink x White
Ivory x Gray
Wine x Black
Lavender x Black
Lavender x White
Sax x White
Pink x Black
The bags are going to get sent to me for final review then we can proceed with the bulk order! And now that all the colors are completed, the survey can finally be sent out as well. Within the next week or so, a smoke test for the survey will go out to a small handful of backers to make sure everything's okay and then the rest of backers will receive the remaining surveys shortly after. When you receive the survey, you'll be able to pick your colorway selection for the bag and for the stickers, it'll help me understand how many of each colorway I should order.
Thank you again so much for your patience as we continued sampling! It took many months but I'm happy with how all the final colors turned out. And I'm very curious to see which colors will end up being the most popular. That's it for now, thank you! :)
Project Update: Survey update!!
Bees are being added into the surveys instead of into the preorder store, please be aware they are limited quantity as they were not part of the campaign. But instead left over little guys from a previous order i had gotten made before this campaign was even thought of! They are limited in quantity. I meant no ill will or issues by wanting to add them to preorder store, just was unaware they could be added as limited quantity into the surveys is all.
Please accept my sincere apologies everyone!
They are also weighted and same size as the pocket pals are! But are not part of pocket pals, They are just a fun little limited extra is all due to excess stock on my end. I just wanted to give the chance for them to also find homes!
Project Update: Production Sample Update! Pictures!! [UPDATE TO NU'S DESIGN]
This weeks update shares with you some of the exciting samples we've gotten. This post will be very picture heavy!
The main one being that Nu's ears are now longer. The reason for this is because I want folks to be able to easily put her ears up into a bow, and it is more accurate to her character lore/background.
Second, there are fixes being done for Amour & Rue in that their noses are the wrong color, and I am making a change to Amour's collar shade as it's just a tad too bright for my vision.
Additionally, the heart appliques on their heads need to be adjusted as the sample includes the 'cutline' and bleed, which is not correct.
HOWEVER, I am very happy with how they turned out and I hope you all will be too! Once they arrive in hand, I will have better photos of them to share with everyone.
Birthday Nu is being remade as there was a misunderstanding on what material she should be made from.
I should have the next 'round' of production samples of Amour, Rue, and Birthday Nu in the coming days.
Honestly, there has been some big personal life stuffs going on behind the scenes that I have been carefully navigating in private, which has sadly consumed more of my mental focus than I'd have liked, however, I am happy to report that things are doing better, and that I am almost ready to announce the giveaway prizes and the winners!
Thanks for being so patient with me through this process.
I hope you all like the progress of everything thus far!
- Ash
Project Update: Mammoths under new Ownership and Surveys are going out now!
Last week, I made an announcement on my social media regarding a handing-off of the Mammoth project to us, but for those that may have missed it, here is our official statement:
'As many of you know, our team has been working closely with the good people at Eons to bring you the best Wooly Mammoth action figures on the planet. And while our involvement thus far has been limited to product development, I'm thrilled to announce that Creative Beast Studio has been given the opportunity to take the reins on this project moving forward! We've been in discussions lately with the Eons team and we all agree that with our years of experience managing and fulfilling crowdfund rewards, that this will be the best way forward to serve those who have backed the project and beyond. This will allow us the freedom to provide more updates, faster and accurate communication, and a smoother fulfillment process.
Annnd here we are with the new update! I also added this bit of info on the non-funded protoypes that we showed leading up to campaign.
"I know a lot of people will be wondering about the fate of the unreleased Gomphotherium, Playbelodon, and Moeritherium- we hope to release them as part of Beasts of the Cenozoic line in 2026!"
Okay, now I'll run down some key notes to get everyone up to speed.
Surveys are now sent!
The BackerKit Preorder Store is now closed- Mammoth Preorders have moved to creative-beast.com!
Last call for the Snowy 2-Pack Mammoths
Survey Lockdown is Friday, April 18th!
As of Friday April 18th, the BackerKit surveys will be closed and locked. All charges will be collected at that time for shipping and additional items. So while you don't need to make your final decisions right away, we will need to have all of the final orders in by that time so we can properly determine the production quantities.
Current project status and moving forward
Follow our Progress!
Thank you all again for your support and until next time!
Project Update: Red tail catfish!!!
Project Update: FULFILLMENT UPDATE: 580/1000 Shipped!
We have a quick update. As of 3/12/2025 580 out of 1000 orders have been successfully packed and shipped by our fulfillment partner White Squirrel.
REMINDER: Due to the total number of pledges it may take up to 2 months to pack and ship every order. We still anticipate all orders will be shipped out by May 2025. Please be patient. Orders are being shipped as fast as possible.
Help! My plush is defective!
Contact [email protected] for assistance.
I have questions regarding returned packages, etc
Contact [email protected] for assistance.
A huge thank you to White Squirrel for helping us with the AuDHD Creatures campaign!
Project Update: Thank you to everyone!
But the campaign itself has ended, I am working on trying to figure out how to do the shipping fees currently on the survey maker! It may likely be easier for me to just send invoices to emails. But we will try out the survey way first!!
Surveys go out Wednesday morning!
Project Update: Update #18: Breb, Pancake, Rye-sopod, & Matcha Plush Are Done!
The Breb coin pouch, Pancake medicine box holder, Rye-sopod passcase, and Matcha bag are done!! Early next week, my contact will be going through and quality checking the plush and will be sending me pictures (that I will share with you), so if all goes well, the plush should begin their journey to me next week!
This means, based upon prior shipping times from my experience with this company, the plush should ideally get to me next month. I will let you know if there are any delays! :) I expect everything else that hasn't already arrived will be to me soon as well (besides the Latt-ray plush bag that needs more time)!
As mentioned, my contact will be sending pictures next week, so I don't have a lot of pics right now, but here's a picture of some Rye-sopod as they were finishing up! They were looking good <3
Thank you all so much for your patience!! SO excited to hopefully be getting these out to you soon (next month)!
Project Update: Almost to 10 backers! 🎉 (Who are all you people??) - Here's some LORE (Card Games, Comics, and More!)
A little insite on Create-A-Companion! Create-A-Companion started as me making a card game with a fantasy twist (ala D&D-Style) where you help customers build plushies and check them out. And that game is actually still in the works! Here's some sneak pictures of it :D
I started working on this game a couple days before I started the comic, and since then I had a few successful playtests. Of course I wasn't working on it every day straight, but I did spend a lot of time considering mechanics to make sure it was easy for everyone to understand. It's very fast paced and frantic, almost like actual retail work (oops). I've left a Poll down below! Let me know if you'd like to learn more about the card game 👀 I'd be happy to talk more about it!
Then I started working on the comic as a way to build up the concept and story ideas in the universe! It's a slice of life style of series, with story woven in and larger story chunks planned to come soon.
Thanks again everyone for supporting the project! I hope you'll continue to support it! You can read more of the comic here!
Are you a backer? Then you'll see an exclusive wallpaper below! Just for you! Each update will have a new one so stay tuned!
Project Update: Surveys + Pre-Order Store LIVE + Cougar Plush Toy!!!
Hello, everyone! I hope you are doing well! I have good news!!!! I was going to launch on Friday but I couldn't wait, sooo...
Surveys are LIVE!
You should be receiving a survey through the email used when you backed this campaign!
Through the survey, you can submit your shipping address, select the pin(s)/ and/or plush toy(s) you would like, and even add on additional items to your pledge! You will also be asked to pay for shipping.
Please note that we will collect payment for shipping and/or additional add-ons on June 1st, so plan accordingly!
Pre-Order Store OPEN
If you missed the campaign, no worries! The pre-order store is open so you can secure the items you wish! It is open for a limited time so don't wait too long!
Cougar Plush Stretch Goal
The plush is currently in the prototyping phase and of course, once the prototype is approved, I will make another update and update the listing with the photos as well!
What do you think?!
You can back for the Cougar plush through the Survey add-on store OR the Pre-Order store!
Patreon Perk
Anyone who pledges $5+ on Patron will be elligible for a FREE bandana + secret sticker! In order to qualify, you must remain a Patreon until at least June. In addition to these freebies, you can see behind-the-scenes photos of what I am working on, concepts, Patreon-only goods, and much more!