Project Update: Yo Dudes & Dudettes! The Humble Dude's New Sketchbook Needs YOU!
Alright folks, gather 'round! Your friendly neighborhood artist, Steve Rude (the one with the crippling art supply habit!), is back with a brand new sketchbook project: The Art of Steve Rude 2025 Sketchbook!
We just wanted to let everyone know that work on the comic is currently underway, and to say thank you to everyone for their patience. We joined onto the comictopia project on rather short notice, but during the campaign it became clear that while we love Backerkit for our fulfillment solution, we've just built up too much of a an audience on Kickstarter to try and move everyone over here. So we will be launching issue 1, the full issue, over on Kickstarter next month, and we will have enough art to finalize assembly of the ashcan very soon.
Artist Antonio Baldari also had to take on another gig unexpectedly but is back working on CSR, and also contributed this awesome cover for the upcoming full length issue.
So hopefully if everything lines up right, you will have the ashcans in hand just as everyone is starting to talk about the first issue, before it goes to press. This will also get a wide circulation through comic book stores nation/world-wide, making this limited ashcan release something special. As soon as the new kickstarter pre-launch page is live we will share that too. More to come soon!
In the mean time, if you're into other gratuitous, violent fun, but of the supernatural bent, there's a campaign for the new printing of Mercy Sparx #1 happening right now:
Project Update: March Mayhem!
Mordecai and Ivy Standees are back up in the Lackadaisy Shop, and this time they're evergreen! If you missed out on the limited run we sold, now's your chance to add them to your Lackadaisy collection!
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
Project Update: Party Production Update!
We've got an update with several fun pictures for you to gander at! Currently Perfect Crime Party is finally heading toward the printer after a slightly-lengthy review! 🔍
Proofs have been approved for production after a small delay. A few edits had to take place for the printing to look clearer and be more readable but now that that's over, we're currently slated to begin the printing and put-together process. These photos that have been included in the update are from the second proof run, so you're all getting a little sneak peek at the final product before everything else gets stitched up for the cover to be added!
Thank you all for being here and a part of this production! We cannot wait to share this criminal collection with you!
Project Update: WHAT YOU KNOW GOOD? with Jamie Noguchi
In our first episode of WHAT YOU KNOW GOOD? over on TikTok and YouTube, we talk to artist Jamie Noguchi (THE SCHOOL FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL GIRLS) about indy comics, his extraterrestrial co-conspirator Jeremy Whitley, and heavy metal guitars.
Jamie also provided the Iron Lady pinup for our forthcoming graphic novel, THE ADVENTURES OF LION MAN!
Project Update: Karma Vol 2 Collab Cards
We will be updating more coming up shortly. Shipping will be starting in the coming weeks as soon as we have the confirmed date the books are arriving.
Hi was wondering if there are any updates of the signed Tom Holland Edition i only ask as i have just seen posted by Tom Holland on IG a signed copy of the book for sale on his shop and remembered the last update you gave was waiting for tom to sign the edition that you have look forward to the update Take Care
Project Update: Next Up On Your Playlist... ▶
Our friends over at Burrowed Alive have been hard at work with the pilot of their animated series Far-Fetched! Shortly they're going to be going live with their very first Kickstarter and we were hoping you would be interested! This is our kinda thing, and we're hoping it's going to be yours too! Take a look!
Welcome to Veilport, where the veil is about to be lifted for our merry band of late-2000's misfits in an old ice-cream truck. 🚚💨
Rue has unleashed an adorable little
But the influence they have reaches more into the bizarre, science-y and supernatural rather than the stardom they are all looking for! The little town they live in has its own reasons to not draw attention to itself....
Personally I'm already a big fan of Quinn and his attitude 👀
You can check out more on the characters over on the website at this link too! Seriously go check it out, there's a lot more for you to see to tickle your fancy than this small clip. They've even got a cover of Terror Time from Scooby-Doo Zombie Island on their watch page, if you really want to understand what the feeling of this animation is going to be.
There's a lot to get you onboard but be sure to click the Notify Me button for when it goes live!
Other than that, further Lackadaisy updates will go out here later on this month when we have a chance. Have a great weekend everybody! 🐈