What's the approximate page count for the whole campaign book?
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
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How long (# of encounters) are each of the adventures? Comparable to most DCC modules?
Project Update: Check it out! Video and new photos!!!
Just got this video and updated photos of the dice. They look SO cool! I cannot wait to get these funded and sent out to everyone!!!
Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Project Update: 1000% Funded? Are you Serious?
I thought when I created this little Backerkit that we might be lucky to hit $1,000. I was thinking I'd be over the moon if we reached $2,000. But we have surpassed it. And man is that really great!
We're in the editing stages of the zine right now. The book is looking outstanding, and I want to share more with you. Lots more. But just know. Because of the fact that we hit $2,500 I added a third level to the final dungeon. And the page count is closing on 150 pages! (Originally it was around 120.)
I don't foresee us going beyond 150 pages. As I want to make sure we get this zine edited and printed on time for our March release. But I do want to let you all know that we have some more to reveal about the zine in the coming week or two. Nothing that will ruin the adventure for players. But just some fun stuff that will get you excited about the project.
We're on Revision 2 now. Deep in balance and playtesting. With some rewriting mixed in. Revision 3 will be on the way at the end of the month. Then hopefully just proofreading and grammar changes in February before we go off to the printers.
Thank you again for everything. You all are totally awesome human beings.
Once again I would like to reiterate as well. that we are doing a collaboration with our friends over at Menagerie Press. They are working on the totally awesome cartoon called The Pits Below! Go support them! They rock!
Also be sure to sign up for my games I'm running at Gary Con! In February you can get registered to play Shadowdark RPG with me. I want to meet all of you. And I want to roll dice with all of you. I wish I could clone myself so I could do that. But, please do not hesitate to say hello. I will be delighted to meet you.
Have an excellent week. More info on the way. For now go check out our shop on the website. There are several new shirt art designs from Volume 2 that you can wear to places like Gary Con! And if you do, and I see you in the shirt.... I'm going to have SWAG and extras just for you. Including Special Luck Tokens that say Righteous Vow on them! Designed by the amazing editor of Righteous Vow, Wayne Brekke!
Visit the Crawl Club Publishing Store by Clicking Here!
And finally I'm going to spotlight some of Uriah's Artwork. Because he's been instrumental in our project. And he deserves for everyone to know. He's the man!
All of the art here will be in Volume 2. I'm not going to spoil all of it. But here's a few pieces that I love:
Until later this week sometime. Thank you again. You are a wonderful person and I want to meet you at Gary Con. Please go. And we can roll dice!
Project Update: Hardback Cover Design In Progress
Here's a preliminary design for the Volume 1 cover art. I think it looks pretty great. What do you think?
I'm having so much fun with this. You guys are going to love what's coming next! If we can somehow get to 150 backers or more by the end of this thing. I'm going to announce something else that will be added for all backers. Also. Thank you again. You guys, gals, and gelatinous cubes all rule!
Hardback Edition for Vol. 1 Now Available as an Add-on!
In the next week or so I'll have another update with the final design for the hardback cover for Volume 2 as well. Back to work! I have to make a hundred people happy!
Project Update: Well, we did it!
Let's celebrate with a Hardback version of Volume 1!
We will be adding a Hardback of Righteous Vow Vol. 1: The Lich King of Ul to the Add-Ons section this week! Which means you can order an at-cost print and have it fulfilled by DriveThruRPG on the same order with your new books. And then you don't have to pay shipping again. I had a lot of requests for this. And it's a terrific idea. We're going to make it happen. I'll send another update as soon as this is ready.
Fear not! Your Hardbacks will not be alone!
We can also celebrate with shirts!
If you head over to the Crawl Club shop you can pick up any one of our new designs. I would add them on here as add ons. But that would mess everything up with the whole shipping thing since all of the zines are being delivered through DriveThru. Regardless. Anybody who orders a shirt in the next 24 hours gets an extra sticker pack added to their order as a thank you for joining the Crawl Club and showing the world you're a huge nerd just like me. Oh wait I mean you're cool. I'm supposed to say you're cool. Darn it.
My kids especially love the charisma shirt. That one really gets tons of cheers and they don't groan at all. They keep talking about their charisma being high so I decided to make a shirt about it.
Have an amazing week. Thank you so much. And holy smokes you're probably tired of me saying thank you by now. But I'm going to keep doing it. Thank you!
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
I will be wanting to order multiple sets of 5 dice. I have a lot of gamer friends that I give dice gifts to... Similar to what I did with the Headless Horseman dice.
This user contributed to this community!
will there be another painted mini again? sttickers ? I love the swag.
Project Update: Day 1: Funded and Feeling Great!
Today was busy! I worked all day taking glimpses of my phone to see how amazing everyone is for backing our small publisher project. And then got to head out and enjoy a night of gaming with my son. We nearly got killed by a massive Otyugh in the sewers. But we made it out alive!
But for real. I want everyone to have an amazing time with the zine. And I absolutely can’t wait to get it into your hands. But good things usually take time. So we’re going to be able to make that happen because of you. And I am extremely thankful!
So please, tell your friends, share the Backerkit! And maybe we can crank out a few more awesome adventures for you and keep this good thing going.
Have an awesome night. And seriously please come find me at Gary Con. I want to hi five/fist bump all of you! (And then use sanitizer after because con crud!)
-Bill and the Crawl Club team