Hi everyone! After some thinking and taking in suggestions, I drafted up some ideas for an Intestines angel pin. I would plan to make this a stretch goal at $4000! Here are some design ideas, please vote for which one you'd like! And of course, if you had any design feedback, feel free to drop it in the comments.
I do not plan on making any more pins after this, but I would love to make some nice 3 inch holographic stickers of the current designs. Are people interested in this?
Thank you everyone who has backed the campaign so far!! We have 10 days left, so please be sure to share this around!
The smoke tests went very well, and I'm thrilled to announce that surveys have all been sent out! Please check your emails and ensure you fill out your survey as soon as possible.
I will be locking orders and charging cards on Saturday, April 5th. Your order choices will be locked, but you will still be able to adjust address details until fulfillment begins! The sooner everyone fills out and submits their surveys, the sooner production can begin. I cannot stress this enough, please do your survey ASAP.
A VERY IMPORTANT REMINDER that, if you do not complete your surveys, I CANNOT ship your items to you. If you complete the survey late (after production has begun), you risk missing out on your preferred rewards. Late survey rewards will be subject to availability, and without guarantees. You must fill out your survey to completion & submit it in order for it to count.
Now that the surveys have gone out 'n been announced, I have something else to share! In my last update, I promised to share photos of the stickers! They came out exactly how I'd hoped they would, and I just love them all so much. I can't even begin to pick a favorite.
That's really it for now! Thank you all so much for the love on this project. In the meantime, take care, and I'll see you in the next update!
I mostly came here to drop off an update for backers, but felt like it would be okay to also plug another project I have launching soon in the same update! It's a collab between me and my partner (who was my cross collab partner for this project, as well!)
Thank you so much for your patience while I get the surveys set up and smoke tests sent out! I'd talked about it briefly on my Instagram (mostly via status updates, as I haven't had any energy to keep up on posting to social media as a result of this) but, to update everyone here, I slipped on some ice and sustained a rough lower back injury at the end of February. I've spent the last three weeks recovering from it, and I want to thank anyone who'd reached out to wish me a speedy recovery. I'm back up and moving again, just trying to take things slow! We're still on track with the given timeline and, if anything changes, I'll let you all know as soon as I can!
I still worked when I could while I was recovering, it was just pretty slow moving! With the help of my husband, surveys were finalized. I ordered all of the campaign stickers, as well as plenty of extras, and they are gorgeous! Expect sticker photos in the next update! I've also formatted and sent files over to my pin manufacturer. Once we're at roughly 80% of the surveys being filled out, I'll place the pin order (this will also be when I lock orders/charge cards, but not addresses, as addresses will lock closer to fulfillment time). Please fill out your surveys as soon as possible. I'll post another update once we get a handful of smoke tests in/once I send out the rest of the surveys, and then I'll update once I start to lock orders and charge cards!
A reminder that, if you do not complete your surveys, I CANNOT ship your items to you. If you complete the survey late (after production has begun), you risk missing out on your preferred rewards. Late survey rewards will be subject to availability, and without guarantees. You must fill out your survey to completion & submit it in order for it to count.
That's really it for this little update. Again, thank you for your patience and for all of the kindness you've given me! I'm so fortunate to have such incredible backers and such a kind community, you're all seriously the best.
I'm away for a book signing this weekend, so I might not be very fast at replying, but I wanted to jump online quick to answer a few questions about the stickers (I will be replying to each message individually when I'm back home, I promise).
A couple of people have reached out about issues with picking 5 stickers, but please don't worry if you are having this issue. I was originally going to have a limited number of stickers per pack (max 10 in each) and give everyone the option to pick 5 favourites to be included, but I've since decided to add every design to each of the packs. So if you've added stickers to your rewards, you'll receive one of each design. The only exception will be the ones with colour options. I will add a comment section on the survey where you'll be able to tell me which colours you'd like, but it won't be added until next week at the earliest. If I can't add the comment section, I will figure out another way for you to choose the colours, so please don't worry. Surveys won't be locked until the end of April, so there's still plenty of time as well π
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend β€οΈ and I'll be back next week with more info about the pins and stickers.