Magnetic Press
3 months ago

Project Update: Address Verifications going out this week -- in the meantime: You've got Reward Points!

Hi Everyone!
We hope you're doing well and are getting ready for a nice, relaxing holiday season. We know you're probably eager to get your campaign package, and we hoped that this next update would have started with "shipping has begun!", but it hasn't quite yet... BUT, we're told that the official Address Verification emails will be sent on Friday, which means that labels will be printed early next week, which usually means shipping will begin about a week after that. So, shipping should begin just after the Thanksgiving holiday! 😊

Once they get started, it usually only takes a day or two (sometimes three) to have everything out the door, so you should see your stuff soon!

(I should qualify that comment by directing it specifically to North American backers -- the International stock will be departing around that same time, and will need some extra time for ocean-crossing and assembly at their respective hubs... we'll post specific hub updates as soon as we get them.)

In the meantime, we have gone ahead and REWARDED YOUR AMBASSADOR POINTS FOR YOUR PLEDGE!

If you missed the mention on the campaign page, every pledge includes a number of Ambassador Points equal to 10-points-per-dollar of your final order total (including postage). These are unique reward points that can be collected and redeemed for discounts and rewards on our webstore, a great way to support Magnetic Press further (while building up a collection of cool books and stuff in the process)!

If you are already a webstore customer and part of the program, just log into your webstore account (which should be under the same email address as your Kickstarter/Backerkit account). You should see those new points added to your balance under the heading "LOST LETTERS Backerkit Points."

If you don't have an account on our webstore, your points have been tallied, but you will need to register an account for them to appear. If you register for the first time, simply contact us at [email protected] to add your points for you. 😊

For a walkthrough of how to register, just follow the steps on our webpage:

You can use points for discount codes, gift cards, and occasionally for exclusive collectible items that you can only get using points! It's definitely a fun program that we'll be building upon very soon! International backers may wish to consider using accrued points towards a gift card which, unlike discount codes, can be used against an order's bottom-line total including shipping. Discount codes only apply toward the contents of any order, not shipping.

If you're not familiar with the webstore, give it a visit! In fact, this week is a good time to take a look because we have a Cyberweek sale going on right now:

(Note: the sale discount can't be combined with a points-awarded discount code, but I think a points-awarded gift card might still work...?)

We'll be traveling for the holiday for the rest of the week, but we hope you all have a wonderful rest of November! We'll be back soon with more news!




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