Double Deluxe Gods (Double Boxed Set)

Includes 3 items

  • ×1
    All Unlocked Physical + Digital Stretch Goals
  • ×1
    "Awaiting the Burning Gods" Collector's Boxed Set + PDFs
  • ×1
    "Nirvana on Fire: Expanded Edition" Collector's Boxed Set + PDFs
A perfect pairing: both the brand new "Awaiting the Burning Gods" boxed set and its critically acclaimed twin, the "Nirvana on Fire: Expanded Edition" boxed set. Both include the titular adventures as well as a panoply of high-quality physical Warden aids, custom-coloured dice and iron-on patches. You'll get every unlocked physical and digital stretch goal for this campaign, as well.

Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager

Double Deluxe Gods (Double Boxed Set)


108 Backers