Magnum Galaxy Games
about 1 month ago

Project Update: January Update: Project Work, Digital Downloads, and Surveys

Hello everybody!

Welcome to the first monthly update for Awaiting the Burning Gods. There's lots to share today so let's dive in. First off, I hope you all enjoyed the holidays, however you celebrate. I enjoyed a little time off myself after the rollercoaster of Mothership Month and am happy to be back at the keyboard working away on getting this thing ready for you all. 

State of the Zine 

Before the holidays I made significant headway on The Smuggler's Guide to 1365, including writing unique alternate start, smuggling scenarios for Awaiting the Burning Gods, Dying Hard on Hardlight Station, The Cleaning of Prison Station Echo, and Nirvana on Fire. Each scenario offers tweaks to the original set up to reframe it to be perfect for your outer rim outlaws and lead them to explore scenarios they otherwise may have missed in a standard run of the adventure.

Meanwhile, Daniel has been working through more of the art for the zine and only has a few pieces remaining. Here's his take on the mysterious Smoking Darkness Reclamations. Watch out for them stalking the shadows between the ruined towers of Ma'at!
Smoking Darkness Reclamation Team on the hunt.

On the layout side of things, Dai has blocked out the book and it's looking like the final page count, with all the art and maps is going to come in around 44! Should be nice and substantial while fitting perfectly into the A5 saddle-stitched format. Here’s a draft of one of Dai’s maps for the upper tomb, showcasing a “1980s cassette futurism” aesthetic inspired by low-res orbital 3D scans. The text boxes on the sides will hold notes from the Landis survey techs, prepping your explorers for their descent.
Draft map of the upper vault

Building the Backerkit 

A couple house keeping notes here regarding completing your orders, add-ons, and grabbing your digital copies. 
  • The Late Pledge Store Is Live: If you are reading this but missed the campaign or want to share it with a friend, the Late Pledge Store is open! 
  • Backer Surveys On the Way: I'm on round two of setup working with the Backerkit team to make sure all the stars are correctly aligned for the Survey. Should have those ready to go for you to confirm your order and finalize your add-ons in the next few weeks, so keep an eye on your inbox - especially your junk mail folder! I'll send a quick note when I'm sending them so you'll get a heads up before as well. 
  • Digital Downloads in the works: For those who ordered existing Magnum Galaxy Games titles, I’m setting up your downloads. Initially, these will be available through BackerKit, with final copies delivered through DriveThruRPG during campaign fulfillment to complete your collections.

That's it for this month. Until next time I wish you all warmth, happiness, and a critical success on your next stat check. 

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