MCDM Productions
8 months ago

Project Update: The MCDM RPG - Backer Packet Timeline

Prepare to Draw Steel!

Hey folks!

We are very close to having something for you all to try out. We just sent the latest playtest packet to our contract and volunteer testers, and they’ve already started pounding on it. If things go well, we think this will be the packet that goes to Patrons in July sometime and if that goes well, that packet will be what we send to you in August. As the MCDM Team is out of office at GenCon at the start of August, so we expect to deliver the packet a few weeks after we return. This makes it so that the packet can include the encounter that the folks at GenCon will be playing! Exciting!

That packet you get will still be a playtest packet. You folks are going to have tons of feedback! But, as you know, the stuff we send you will be “close to final.” Meaning we still expect to make changes, things like balance changes, language changes as we learn how clear our text is, etc.

You folks have been super patient so far, we’ve been VERY hard at work, we hired more designers and a new producer (Gertz! From the first ever stream we did!) and now things are happening both very quickly, and in a very organized fashion. 

You know our philosophy; the backers are paying for the polished, finished product. So we want to make sure the first Backer Packet is stable, and represents what we believe in. If you want to know more about the internal development process, there’s our Patreon which has tons of juicy updates including a new 2,000 word post about our setting, but you don’t need to worry about that, you can just come by James’ weekly dev stream and ask whatever’s on your mind.

I also recommend you come by the Discord and ask how things are going in the #mcdm_RPG_discussion channel where you’ll see some of our playtester coordinators, or their players, talking about how the game plays and feels right now. 

But the message is—things are getting done, tons of stuff is in and working, and we think you’ll have the first Backer Packet in just over a month! Wooo!

Thanks for your patience and support,
The MCDM Team
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