Leia Barrett
3 months ago

Project Update: We've met our funding goal! 🎊Hooray!!🎊...Now what?

What an exciting turn of events for The Odd Dog!! Thanks to friends, family, and well-wishers, the campaign has reached its funding goal with a few days to spare!

You might be asking-- what does that mean?

  • Your pledges will turn into actual factual rewards following the campaign's completion. 
  • You can edit your pledge any time before June 17th if you want to make changes
  • Following the campaign, you'll receive a survey that outlines your rewards and gives you the ability to add anything you forgot
  • You have been instrumental in bringing The Odd Dog to the next stage!

If you pledged for a custom reward like getting your dog illustrated into the book, I'll be getting information from you about your dog. There are two places your dog can be an extra in the book

A Dog Park-- this page will expand out so it's a whopping 40 inches!
Mockup of the dog park-- will be in full color. Also, Layla is totally on the splash pad.

OR a Cool Pool Scene

Mockup of the swimming pool-- will also be in full color.

So Leia (you might be asking yourself)-- does this mean you can take it easy this weekend?

I COULD, but nope! There are a few special projects that I'd LOVE to announce, but I want to reach a few milestones first.

If we reach $5,500, 100 backers, or $6,000, I have a few great ideas I'd love to share with you.

If we don't reach these goals, that's cool, but if we do I promise that everyone who has pledged so far will benefit! Maybe it's a special drawing, maybe it's a cool reward, we'll just see!

I'm thrilled to be taking part in the opening of a new library in my hometown, so we'll see if that event can take us over the edge, but if you'll share out at least one more time, I KNOW we can meet these stretch goals.

Thanks, as always, for your support and for making this project a reality. You are appreciated I am incredibly grateful!

Have a wonderful day,

Leia B





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