Leia Barrett
7 months ago

Project Update: The surveys are coming!

Greetings everyone!

 I hope you've had a wonderful weekend and are staying cool. I'm excited to announce that surveys will be coming to your inbox THIS WEEK! Here are a few things you should know:

1) Dogs illustrated in the book- I will be reaching out personally to everyone who will have their dog(s) illustrated in The Odd Dog as extras. It's just easier this way, so look for an email from [email protected] with the subject "The Odd Dog Illustrations." There are just a few quick questions, but the sooner you can respond to this email the better!

2) The Odd Dog Shop- As part of the survey you'll have the opportunity to add-on additional items such as greeting cards, stickers, and even additional books! In addition to The Odd Dog, you can also order my first book, The Goldilocks Quartet, as well as copies of signed books by my cross-collab partner, Katie Lockwood. While add-ons are only available to people who backed during the campaign, The Odd Dog Shop is open to everyone until I ship!

3) There's still time to change! It's really important that you fill out the initial survey as soon as possible, but keep in mind it will be a few months before products get shipped your way. This means that while you should complete the survey now, you'll have time to add on to your order as we get closer to shipping.

I'll continue providing updates, but for now, keep an eye out for those surveys!

Thank you, as always, for your tremendous support!


Leia B

PS-- if you missed your chance to pledge during the campaign, you can order through The Odd Dog Shop! There are a few rewards that are no longer available (getting your dog illustrated in the book, getting names in the book) but there is still tons of cool swag left!




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