Card Deck and Bonus Community Copies
Includes 2 items
×1Digital PDF
×1Card Deck
Get a custom printed deck of Escape the Kronos cards from DriveThruRPG! The cards will be standard US poker sized (2.5" x 3.5") and will come in a custom designed tuckbox. You will also get the digital files for the game, and early access!
This reward pays for the card deck, shipping will be charged later through DriveThruRPG when you claim your copy.
Plus for each person that backs on this tier I'll add 3 community copies of the game to the ESCAPE THE KRONOS page. These will be free copies of the digital version of the game for folks who don't have money.
This reward pays for the card deck, shipping will be charged later through DriveThruRPG when you claim your copy.
Plus for each person that backs on this tier I'll add 3 community copies of the game to the ESCAPE THE KRONOS page. These will be free copies of the digital version of the game for folks who don't have money.