12 months ago

Project Update: Fulfilment Continues, Companion Guide PDF, and 10 Years of Mini Museum!

Hello, everyone!

Today marks the end of another week of MM5 fulfillment! We have been shipping pledges for the past three weeks and are already 1/3 of the way through. Better yet, we are picking up speed and expect shipping to move even faster next week!

As a reminder, when your pledge is ready to ship, you will receive a notification that your card has been charged for shipping, followed by a tracking confirmation email within the day!

We're also happy to see that the Fifth Edition has been delivered to a number of backers already!

MM5 joins the collection of backer Todd!

If you'd like to show off your new museum when it arrives, send us a picture at [email protected]. We always love to see Mini Museums out in the wild—backer photos are one of the best parts of crowdfunding!

Today, we'll also be distributing digital downloads for the MM5 Companion Guide PDF—you should receive this in a separate email, or you can download it at the link further below in this update.

That's all we have on the fulfillment side of things today, though we do have one more thing to share… it is our tenth anniversary! Jamie, one of the co-founders here at Mini Museum has a special message to share with all of you who have helped us on this journey.

Thoughts on 10 Years of Mini Museum

From Jamie, Mini Museum Co-Founder

Hey, folks!

This week I finally made it to the warehouse to pitch in on Fifth Edition shipping. I would’ve been down earlier, but unfortunately, I picked up COVID while in Tucson for our annual buying trip in January. It went through our entire household in February. It was pretty rough for a while, but everyone is better now!

The good thing is that the team in the warehouse is moving along well without me. As noted above, we are roughly 1/3 of the way through all shipments and we are accelerating. Funny enough, in terms of when pledges were actually placed, we’re still just 10 minutes into the campaign!

Fifth Editions Larges lined up for departure!

Shipping a new Edition is always a real joy for me. I love seeing all the familiar names and thinking about where our collections will go. Many of you have been with us since the First Edition, and I am so grateful that we’ve been able to continue this journey together for so long.

It was a true joy to work on the Fifth Edition, and I am so proud to share the excellent work of our team with all of you.

An MM5 Touch is prepped for shipping

Describing the last ten years of Mini Museum seems like an impossible task. So much has happened, I really ought to write a book. We’ve had adventures and fun, the thrill of discovery, and overcoming so very many challenges. There have also been so many deep moments of reflection and more than one or two instances of wondering just how I got into this in the first place :D

Working on the Benefactor’s Plate for the First Edition

I suppose this is all part of making something rare and unusual like the Mini Museum, but to me it feels like there is so much more.

How do I describe the feeling of spending weeks looking through a microscope lens at the surface of Mars? What picture do I share that conveys the way the night air feels when bandsawing by moonlight? What is like to look back on ten years and see your family working beside you just like they did during the First Edition?

Team Grove during the making of the First Edition. See if you can identify these wonderful humans in the “Creating of the Fifth Edition” Companion Guide essay.

These are incredibly special memories for me, and so is seeing all of your names once more. Frankly, I can’t imagine a better way to spend a decade of my life.

As always, thank you once again for your generous support and please do share pictures of your Mini Museum when it arrives!

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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