Dark Vermin is a monster book at its core, with a focus on monstrous vermin. It's a 32 page book, 10 monsters, two mini adventures, monster paper tokens, maps and handouts for the SM and for players. Dark Vermin is all illustrated in an OSR style.
The idea of Dark Vermin came to me very quickly, but vaguely one evening as I was working on a project involving what I thought was maybe a giant ant stock art bundle. I had been interested in Shadowdark and my brain says to me "Why not make these monsters for Shadowdark"? Like a bolt of hot coffee I thought giant ants for Shadowdark! But that wasn't good enough. Not everyone thinks giant ants are cool. I needed to diversify. Then I thought varmints! vermin!
I made a logo for Varmints and Vermin. I liked it and went to bed. I mulled over it over the next few days while I continued to draw giant ants. A queen, a soldier, a worker, a full cover cover I never used for the Shadowdark edition. In fact, none of that art I did ended up in the Shadowdark edition. Then I finally decided. Monstous vermin! That's what Shadowdark really needs! They need...Dark Vermin!
Here I am, a couple of months later, waiting for you to see and experience this project that I have really poured a lot of love into. I had a good time making it and I sincerely hope you find it useful and enjoyable for your Shadowdark Game.
The cover of Dark Vermin was really a fun illustration to render. I wanted a sense of adventure, impending danger, and that Shadowdark vibe that if the torches go out it was only going to get worse!
I made the PC's spontaneously, but I have stories for them all.
The Elf - "Namaz", "Lillendial" and "Ferniril" are all names he has given the party depending on who and how they ask. Often simply called "The Elf", he is an expert archer and artist. The Elf comes from a people who see beauty in an abstract manner, seeing a master craftsman who has just finished a new shoe as attractive as a beautiful princess. He also dislikes clothing, wearing as little as possible without offending. (more below)
The party battles dungeon ants when a new threat emerges!
Thora the Blade - Thora, daughter of Hrongar, started out life as a chieftain's daughter who's tribe rose in a rebellion and lost. Captured and made a slave, Thora was branded on her face before fighting her way to freedom. With no prospects and no tribe, Thora turned to mercenary work, fighting for the highest bidder until she turned to adventuring. Thora and The Elf are close friends, having some shared experience they never discuss.
Yagra Stonespit - Yagra is a rarity, a female goblin wizard, and has noticed life has not let her forget it. Able to cast spells and wanting to test her clan-mate, Yagra signed both of them into an adventuring company.
Yagra is tough, clever, and independent, like a good goblin should be. Yagra is considered a great beauty in her culture, having a broad, flat face and large ears, as well as having large eyes and curves makes most goblins overlook the fact she can cast spells. She is clan-bound to marry Baaz, her clan-mate and fellow adventurer, but she worries about any children they may have. With his tendencies towards bravery and selflessness, Yagra is not sure children like this would be good in goblin society.
Shalik - Shalik was a merchant who lost everything when he lost several of his ships in a storm, forcing him to sell the remaining ship he had to pay his debts. With nowhere to turn, he joined a Religious order of the God of Secrets. Shalik and Yagra often discuss philosophical matters and have become good friends. Much like the deity he worships, Shalik is closed-mouthed about most things, unless there is something important to say.
Baaz Stonespit - Baaz is an accomplished thief and lockpick, able to get into nearly any place he wishes, but he longs for more. Baaz just isn’t like other goblins, and wishes for a more peaceful and “boring” life, as his clan-mate Yagra puts it. His love and devotion to Yagra is strong, but he is aware she has her reservations. He reluctantly joined the adventuring party, but they consider him a great asset. Besides fighting like a tiger, Baaz is fearless and has gone out of his way to save others, often getting injured in the process. He does not understand these very qualities are what is complicating his and Yagra’s relationship.
I wanted the design and layout to be the best it could be. I wanted it to reflect Shadowdark's aesthetic, I believe I succeeded. All black and white in my own OSR style, the page borders and illustrations are filled with that old-school vibe. I was especially happy with how the monsters seem to come out of the darkness, as if they have a light shining on them.