Fish Lee
6 months ago

Project Update: Vote now for acrylic standee designs!

The poll is now up for which design you would like to see me finish for the final double sided Acrylic standee for Big Tin, The Tin man from "Alice Lost In Wonderland" LIVE now on Backerkit HERE!
So far, the Alice Poll is leaning towards version A "standing Alice" go vote today and let your voice be heard!

PLEASE help us reach our first achievement by getting 100 shares on Facebook and every physical backer will receive a FREE large Alice: Lost In Wonderland logo sticker with their rewards.  Remember, the earlier you back, the more free swag you get!  new freebies are released each week, there is a poll for which freebie you would like to get released next week, and so far the Mighty KAAW mini comic is winning!

Tune in tonight for another LIVE art stream while I work on pages from the Alice mini comic going out to all physical backers that backed before July 25th for FREE! 6pm CST HERE

Be sure to go check Granic by Laguna Studios while you are there and give them your love and support too!  They are out here making waves in the indie comics world, and they just might have hired your ever-lovin' Uncle Fishy to color this awesome new book!  you can check out Granica HERE

7 votes
Once we reach 100 shares on Facebook, ALL physical backers will recieve a FREE Alice Lost in Wonderland logo sticker!
Goal: 2 / 100
We need 98 more to reach this goal.




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