about 1 month ago

Project Update: Funded in 48 hours !!?!!!

Hello to you all!

First I want to say thank you all so much for helping me get this project to its funding goal. This is my first time running my own crowdfunding campaign and I really did not know how it would turn out, but I am so glad to see that it ended up being a success!

I'm sharing this update a bit late. Apologies for that, I am new at this. The campaign was funded last Friday, which was a nice way to kick off the weekend. I am perfectly happy with just getting funded, but I did set up a couple of achievements that we can all aim for! Only two though!! I don't want to go wild with my very first project, haha.

At the $4,000 mark I will offer a sticker set of all three pin designs as an add-on. A sticker manufacturer near where I live offers some nice spot metallic sticker options and I figured it would be cool to have both the star, meteor, and the tigermera's hooves and claws shine. The stickers will be 2-3 inches in size and made with durable weatherproof material.

I have drawn up the sticker versions of these designs. They are subject to some tweaks before manufacturing of course, but I'm quite happy with the colours. I thought it would be fun to make the Tigermera a little red guy, even though it's originally depicted as pure white in the pin.

If you prefer the white over the red let me know! I hear that Backerkit allows for polls and if we make goal I will set one up to gather that data.

Thanks again for all your support! There's still 17 days to go as of writing! We have so far to go!

the stickerrrrrrrs
A set of stickers depicting each of the pin designs that will be offered as an add on!
Goal: C$3,990 / C$4,000
We need C$10 more to reach this goal.
user avatar image for Mycorrhiza





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