Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
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Hi, So I just opened and inspected my Pizza box and all the contents seem to be fine but the box itself has been crushed at the bottom and has torn. It won’t sit nor close properly due to the damage. What’s the process for getting a replacement box? (Happy to email with pics) Thank you in advance, Locky
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Got the fingerboards months ago but no game has shown up. Backerkit show's the game has shipped but I haven't received anything. Any update on when the game will be sent to US folks, or has anyone received their copy yet?
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Still waiting on my game. I got the finger boards but no game. Any updates?
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
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Hey, as the title states I'm still waiting to receive this. I ordered the Pizza party Kidz Meal. I saw that shipping started like 2 months ago now. Just wanted to make sure this was still on the way. I got the two fingerboards already, just haven't received the main box yet.
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