Evan β€” Nimble Co.
6 months ago

Project Update: GM guide out, Heroes book, pledge manager, & Live design streams!

Since the last update, the GM guide v1 has been released as well as V1.4 heroes! (and MUCH improved, check the same link you have from before, it's been updated. I want to respect your inbox and not email you too much so I won't be creating a new update for every new draft, but keep an eye there every so often for new releases or follow the project on discord for the latest.)

If you don't know, the community and I have been doing live design sessions on discord kicking around ideas, working out the rough edges, it's been great fun hanging out and chatting – some absolutely fantastic ideas have been offered and implemented because of you the community, so thanks!

GM Guide: This is the ALPHA version, it is very much incomplete but shows the direction. More updates coming!

Heroes v1.4 Changelog (these are just some of the highlights, too many changes to track accurately)
Almost all of the classes have been deeply overhauled and improved. I feel like we're 99% of the way there with the heroes book (apart from the final editing and typo checks).

  • Rage Temp HP changed back to using STR+DEX
  • Into the fray and Eager for battle now use DEX
  • a new FLAVOR ability "One with the Ancients" has been added.

The Cheat: 
  • Many underhanded abilities tweaked. 
  • Cunning strike and pocket sand moved to their subclasses specifically 

  • Field Medic moved to level 2 Weapon mastery added as a base class feature. 
  • Stalwart Soldier renamed (much better now!) 

Hunter BIIIIIGGG changes. Much improved now, too many to list. TLDR, the mechanics are now much more interesting.

Mage BIG tweaks to the 2 subclasses, their tables and how they're triggered. mana pool calculation changed.

Oath of Refuge, shield counts as your spellcasting focus, tweaked extra armor wording.

I don't really remember all the other changes honestly, it's late.. but there's a bunch check it out!

Pledge Manager

I finally got some backend stuff sorted out so the pledge manager will be opened up this week so keep an eye out for that.


–Evan @ Nimble co.

P.S. if you're interested in preordering that is live at https://www.nimble5e.com/shop
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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