Evan โ€” Nimble Co.
8 months ago

Project Update: ๐ŸŽ‰ Early Backer Mystery Subclass Revealed & STRETCH GOALS! ๐ŸŽ‰

Wow... I'm blown away.

The response has been absolutely amazing. Thanks to all of you, the project is off to a great start: we funded in just about 15 minutes yesterday and are currently over 1000% of our original funding goal. ๐Ÿคฏ I am so very thankful for you all, with your help I promise to make this the absolute best it can be!

Now onto the Mystery Subclass reveal! The OATHBREAKER!

Man I'm so excited for this, I can't even tell you... Instead of being a regular subclass chosen at level 3, this is going to be a special Story Driven Subclass. A player will be able to choose this subclass at ANY point along the level curve, when the story demands it. I love the idea of someone playing an Oathsworn, and watching something terrible happen (losing a party member, BBEG tempting or backstabbing them) and the BREAKING THEIR OATH... wow, that just seems too cool.


I waited to announce any stretch goals since I wanted to hear what YOU all are most interested in. As much as I'd love to, I don't think I can do ALL of them, but I want to do as many as I can. Let me know which ones to prioritize. 

Fancy Dice. We've all got plenty of dice, but do we have enough fAnCy dice? (Included for free in the Boxed Set)
Cloth Map. Who doesn't love a cloth map? Art TBD, likely of the adventure area for the starting adventure. (Included for free in the Boxed Set)
BIG Legendary Monster Cards. Full are on one side to show (and intimidate) your players. Easy to read statblock on the back for convenience. Tarot Sized. (Included for free in the Boxed Set)
More Subclasses. Let me know what you're most excited about. Spellblade? (Included for free with all tiers).
Metal Action Trackers. Honestly, you don't need these, you can use dice or just your memory, 3 isn't that hard to count to. But having a hefty metal physical thing to interact with... mmm something about that...  (Included for free in the Boxed Set)
Holofoil Cards. Shiny. Need I say any more?  (Included for free in the Boxed Set)
Bigger Adventure. Up to level 4? Level 5? A sandbox style choose your own adventure?  (Included for free with all tiers).

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If you want more than one (or have any other ideas), leave a comment and let me know which others you'd like 2nd, 3rd...

<3 you all

โ€“ Evan @ Nimble Co.

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