Hello Scions, This is the first of our monthly updates for 2025. As a reminder, I'll be posting these updates at the end of every month as we track the progress of our Crowdfunding campaign rewards.
Rewards Still Pending
There's obviously a lot of turbulence in the printing industry right now, and that uncertainty has been affecting things for a few months as the Onyx Path team works to lock down the specs and costs/schedule for the final print run for Scion: God. Artists are working from the Art Notes on our Stretch Goal supplements. Hopefully we'll see some movement in the next few months and I'll be able to start sharing artwork as we get into the layout process.
Rewards Distributed to Backers
[Add On] Scion Second Edition Book One: Origin PDF (Dec 17 Update)
[Add On] Scion Second Edition Book Two: Hero PDF (Dec 17 Update)
[Add On] Scion Second Edition Book Three: Demigod PDF (Dec 17 Update)
[Pledge] Discounted PoD Order LInk(Sept 17 '24 Update)
If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at https://scion-god.backerkit.com
You can read Onyx Path's most recent monthly summary, covering all projects and their status up to that point here: <December 2024 Project Status Summary>
You can find the weekly Monday Meeting blog updates <here>, which note any projects with status changes since the previous Month End summary. The project statuses listed are current as of last Monday, so do check it out each Monday night to see if anything may have progressed!
I will continue to post regular updates every month until the final reward has gone out.
Remember: You can use the links at the bottom of this e-mail to unsubscribe from updates or Manage your notification settings. These status updates are available on the campaign page for you to review at any time.
Onyx Path Discussion Channels
If you've got questions about the rules or setting, or just want to discuss this game with other fans (as well as the Onyx Path writers and developers!), you can check out these Onyx Path discussion zones: