I finished the Ziggurat of the Mega-Maiden VTT edition on Roll20. Because R20 and DTRPG combined forces, I will give a complimentary copy to anyone who bought the physical Mega-Maiden book and is interested via DTRPG. Just drop a comment or a message and I'll email you the code to the same address I have on file for the digital editions from the campaign.
Ziggurat of the Mega-Maiden VTT Edition features both the original and the updated maps and adventures with all tokens and stats in place already for enemies. It has pre-generated characters that I used during testing of the content and dynamic lighting as well. It works quite well and saves a lot of set up time for people running it online for cons (like Planet of the Cyclops Con) or just for friends or whatever.
Thanks, as always, for your support! I would not have been able to find the time to make that without the success of this campaign.