Pandion Games
8 months ago

Project Update: That's a Wrap!

Fulfillment Update

Great news, fulfillment for Substratum Protocol is effectively complete! If you have not received your shipment notification from Backerkit yet, please send us an email at [email protected], and we will see what is going on, and get you your tracking information.

However, there are still 25 backers who have not filled out their survey. If you think you're one of them, you can find your survey here.

General Availability Begins

Because fulfillment is complete, we have closed the preorder store on Backerkit. Substratum Protocol is now generally available via our store at

The store page includes free print-friendly resources for your players, too!

Substratum Protocol is Going to GenCon '24!

Indie Press Revolution is taking Substratum Protocol to GenCon this year! If you're attending, make sure to stop by Booth 241 and say hello to the IPR team. They are carrying several of our other games at their booth, too.

What's Next for Substratum Protocol

Over the coming months, we plan to release free digital content expansions for Substratum Protocol including new sectors, events, and clues that you can add to your games. These free expansions will be available on our website and on when they're released. Make sure to sign up to our mailing list so you don't miss them!

Finally, we are looking at hosting a Game Jam to help you to create your own content for Substratum Protocol and share it with the community. More information about that soon.

We Want to Hear From You

We cannot wait for you to get your copies of Substratum Protocol! You can tag us on any posts you make ( @pandiongames ), as we love hearing about your game sessions and thoughts.

Thank you again for your amazing support and generosity, and good luck on all your expeditions to the center of the Earth!

-Andy Boyd




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