Parable Games
9 days ago

Project Update: What inspired Sisterhood?

The original world of Sisterhood was born of many conversations and late night movie watching, all of which have led to some summary terms we like to use in-house to talk about the game: SaINt City. Nun Noir. Rosaries and Revolvers. The Spiritualist’s “Max Payne”.

The gritty nun on the front cover was core to our original design

It’s a world of black and white, with vibrant splashes of red and yellow. A world where the lines between good and evil might blur together, but the faith in always doing what is right remains insurmountably strong.

We were inspired by works like Frank Miller’s “Sin City”, Moore, Bissette & Totleben’s “John Constantine”, and the works of video game writer Sam Lake and his studio Remedy Entertainment. But so much of the world comes from a place much closer to home.

Sinners really should beware

While working on some more paranormal instalments for SHIVER, Parable’s flagship horror RPG, some “research time” was dedicated to watching scary nun films - of which there are many. Originally, Sisterhood was going to be much more horror driven. But we wanted to dig into that visceral pulp feeling with Sisterhood. This punchy action heavy genre makes knuckle duster wielding nuns fit right at home.

That blend of pulpy evil punching action and gritty stylised works with religious theme created Sisterhood and it’s a world we can’t wait to introduce you to more as our launch goes on.

Wanting to try your hand at blasting demons? Sisterhood  is the game where you kick evil in the teeth, and say your enemies' prayers for them. Find out more, try the demo and follow the project here.





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