Travis D. Hill
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Orientation Meeting: Update #1

Hi friends,

Thanks for being a part of this. It has been a while since I have run a campaign, and I have switched platforms a few times. I'm grateful for those of you who have made the switch with me to Backerkit. Each time I run a campaign, I am blown away by the response. I never want to take for granted that I have wonderful people like you who believe in the things that I make. And for that, I am exceptionally grateful.

What to Expect

If you are new to one of my campaigns, it's good to have you! I run Press Pot Games by myself and have a track record of quirky, small-form games. It's what I love to do, and this one is no different. In the past I have run campaigns for small-form RPG zines, print and plays, and small-box card games.


You will notice this is a short, no-frills campaign. After 7 days, the campaign will end. Very soon afterwards, I'll send out surveys. After those get filled out, I will order the memo pads to ship out. The game is completely finished, so truly I'll only be waiting on 1) you all to fill out your surveys and 2) production and shipping, which should be a 3-4 week window. Then I will pack them up and mail them out. The memo pads should be en route to you by the end of July (barring mass upheaval in the world, which I mean is every other day now).

During the campaign, I will send an update every couple of days. It will have information about the gameplay and other stuff of interest. I will not overwhelm you with information.

Adding More Memo Pads

A few people have asked about adding on more memo pads during pledge manager. The answer is "yes," but Backerkit is still new to me (from the creator side) so it will take some tinkering over the week to figure out how that will work. Obviously, it will increase shipping somewhat in the US and exponentially outside of the US, so I would be really cognizant of that.

Thanks again! I will talk to you all Thursday about this silly thing I made.




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