Travis D. Hill
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Be on the lookout for Surveys!

Hi all,

After working with Backerkit this last week, I think I have most of the kinks worked out. They utilize a different (and rather robust) survey-building design than I have ever used, so it took some learning on my part.

Here are the survey details:
  • A "smoke test" survey has gone out to a small percentage of you. If all looks good, then the rest will go out Sunday.
  • Since this has taken some learning on my behalf (and gone on longer that I usually like), I will keep the pledge manager open a bit longer as well, about two weeks. Afterwards, I will have to lock down orders and purchase memo pads to ship!
  • Remember that all levels come with a PDF. If you ordered a physical copy, you can add up to 4 more. You can also add the Press Pot Games RPG PDF bundle if you'd like.

As mentioned before, this is going a bit longer than my usual super fact turnaround (mostly due to me learning how to set up surveys!). Everything should be out the door by the end of July/beginning of August. Most of you don't know any different or don't mind, but I have a track record of pushing out campaigns within a month. Anything longer makes me fidgety. :)






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