Latest from the Creator
Publishing Goblin
5 days ago
The Goblin's Oracle Dice | One Month
On May 1st, just a little over a month from today, the Goblin's Oracle Dice will arrive. The final edition of the dice will reset some elements of the dice set you have c...
Publishing Goblin
3 months ago
The Third Edition Oracle Dice
Hello my dear friends, The Oracle Dice's 3rd edition is around the corner! The linked page is a placeholder, but still works for grabbing interested folks! In May, the 3rd...
Publishing Goblin
5 months ago
The Lords of the Dice, At Your Table | 3rd Edition?
Hello dice fiends, A Third Edition 2025? It's been a bit, and I can still say the Oracle Dice are my favorite tool I've ever made or used. I'm thinking about what a 3...
Publishing Goblin
over 1 year ago
The Publishing Goblin's Oracle Dice Now Available!
Publishing Goblin's Oracle Dice Collection – Alleyman Tarot Over on the site, where we're offering the remaining Alleyman's Tarot sets, we are now of...
Publishing Goblin
almost 2 years ago
Deadline Passed | The Future of the Oracle Dice | Hello!
Hello dice goblins! A week ago today, we hit the deadline for people to get their final information in, fix payment, etc for their orders. As of today, 16 people never did thei...
Publishing Goblin
almost 2 years ago
Deadline Tonight/Tomorrow | Second Batch Orders | Alleyway Oracles
First off, I want to let everyone know that the deadline for the 17 people who haven't done their surveys, and the 41 people with declined cards/failed to charge shipping is ton...

Hello backers! Have a question about the nature of the project? The specs of the dice? Hit me up here, I will answer as possible.

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Publishing Goblin
5 days ago

Project Update: The Goblin's Oracle Dice | One Month

On May 1st, just a little over a month from today, the Goblin's Oracle Dice will arrive.

The final edition of the dice will reset some elements of the dice set you have come to know and love. 

  • The 22-dice set of the 2nd edition is now The Seasons Set. It will come with its updated guidebook with cheat sheets and the 2-sided cloth you know and love, all as a box set. You will be able to grab just the updated guidebook with cheat sheets.
  • The Lords Oracle is now folded into the Die Face Oracle and will be called The Seasons Die Face Oracle.
  • The Reading Journal will now be half and half of each reading grid and will be called The Seasons Reading Journal.

But why should the set be renamed, you ask? Simple, so there's no confusion between the two dice sets. Our final edition is featuring a new, 22-dice set, after all.

The Keys Set

It begins with grabbing the dice from The Alleyway Oracles add-on bag, the Hot Housewives Tarot's and The Misery Tarot's Deluxe Editions. And yes, they have Lords. We add in the extra standard d6 which had no home in the Seasons Set, but was in the guidebook, and we're already at a solid 14 dice. 

The Housewives and Black Lantern Dice

The Gametaker's Dice
Then, we pull together new dice. We will need a d12 to match the first set, so it was inevitable that The Astrologer's Die would appear, don't you think? Then, the 7 Key Keepers form the basis of this new set, the same way the Seasons dice form the basis of most readings in that set. Here we are: The Keys Set.

  • This new 22-dice set comes in a box with its own guidebook with cheat sheets and new 2-sided grid cloth.
  • The 11 Lords of this new set will be featured as cards with their own The Keys Die Face Oracle.
  • A reading journal featuring the two new grids will also be available as The Keys Reading Journal. 
  • Each set of dice found in this set, during this crowdfunding campaign only, will be offered on its own as add-ons, so you can get just what you need in case you already have some of the others.
    • The 5 Black Lantern Dice.
    • The 5 Housewives Dice.
    • The 4 Gametaker's Dice.
    • The Astrologer's d12.
    • The 7 Key Keepers Dice.
    • The Keys Set's Guidebook.
    • The Keys Set's Reading Cloth.
When the campaign ends, the Keys and the Seasons Sets will only be offered in full. So, if you want to get just what you're missing, you'll have to grab the 'UPGRADE' add-ons that let you grab specific items piece meal. If people want them, I will consider offering just the Boxes for the sets on their own, so people can have a box for their Seasons or Keys Set.

The Newness

A new top etching will be on offer for the Wooden Dice Boxes featuring the symbols of this new set, and there will be a CHEST, custom made to fit your cloths, guides, oracle decks or tarot decks, and of course, the dice sets at the top with a window so you can look on at them. The top shelf for the dice will have removable inserts the size and shape of the wooden boxes, so you can either put the dice in the top as-is or put your wood dice boxes within the top shelf of the chest.

We are locking in the chest design and pricing right now, so with speed and luck, we will have the Chest to fully show by the time the campaign launches. Quite excited about that!

So if you're ready to grab all the new items and the Keys Set, grab that Chest to house your dice fancy-style, or just get the Updated Guidebook for the Seasons Dice, now is your time to show your interest. Please help me get a good gauge of how many people are ready for this Third and Final Edition, click here and sign up to be notified.

And don't forget that if you are at least a $1 patron over on Patreon, you get day 0 access to any Backerkit crowdfunding campaigns, giving you the best chance at the Early Bird tiers.

See you in May, friends,
your pub gob





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Publishing Goblin
3 months ago

Project Update: The Third Edition Oracle Dice

Hello my dear friends,

The Oracle Dice's 3rd edition is around the corner! The linked page is a placeholder, but still works for grabbing interested folks!

In May, the 3rd edition, almost 3 years to the day, will go live on crowdfunding! (We launched and funded June 2022!) This will be the final edition of the dice set and guidebook. If future campaigns bring extra dice, they will come with either pages to add to our new trapper/guidebook, or a small booklet to explain them, there won't be an updated guidebook or core-set ever.

This doesn't mean it will be the last manufacturing/printing, just that this 3rd ed is the definitive edition and will be carried on in reprints as-is. 

I am planning:

A Standard Set! 
The standard set will include the 22-dice set in bag, both reading cloths, and a small guidebook with color coding, generally like the 2nd edition guidebook but smaller and cleaned up a little. This will come in a box to store the core items (book included), lined with felt so you can roll small readings in the box itself. 

A Deluxe Set!
The deluxe set will include the above listed items minus the box, instead being in the Chest. The chest will have a flip open top that holds the dice sets in its compartment, either in foam that is inset, or if the foam is taken out, will fit your wooden boxes for the dice sets.
In addition, it will have drawers to store the reading cloths, journals, tarot decks, etc!
And at the bottom, a large slot that will fit our new Binder Guidebook.
At the moment this is planned to be a heavy durable coated/wrapped cardstock kind of box, but we will see what works best. Maybe it will be plastic...? I would love to do wood but the weight would be brutal, and a recent forray into a big fancy wood box didn't go as well with our manufacturer, so we'll see!

The Chest is a huge part of the final version of things. It will have space for you to fit all the Oracle Dice items and is future proofed with room for extra dice and items, in case I add things (who, me?)

New Items:
  • The Chest, of course!
  • The trapper/binder Guidebook, made to be easy to use, reorganize, and with tabs and easy to find tools to make it more usable than ever for learning! It will also come with Reference Cards, like the ones that came with the 3 dice in the Alleyway Oracles project, giving you tarot-sized cards with shorthand meanings for each dice symbol, colormatched to the dice color and its ink.
  • Second two-sided reading cloth, with two new grids for reading with.
  • Hot Housewives and Misery Tarot dice sets. These are 5 dice in each set as glow in the dark dice with one uniform color+theme. The individual dice bring new themes to the Oracle Dice set and can be used singularly as the oracle dice are, or they can be used as an Overlay Grid, being a set of five dice that work together to create additional zones in the reading.
  • Expansion Oracle Die Face Oracle cards, giving you all the new dice's die faces as oracle cards.
  • New Lords! There will be a lord for each the Misery Tarot and Hot Housewives Tarot dice sets, and there's another in the works. Or two!
  • New wood box that is rectangular to flank the round one in the chest for holding expansion dice. 

At the moment one idea is to expand the 3 dice from the Alleyway Oracles set to 5 for a Lord of Games to bring to the set. There will be more Lord Oracle Cards of course for these new ones, and it has been requested of me to consider offering the 1st edition here, or at least the neoprene mat for readings. So we'll see what other goodies might be on offer!

I want to know what you all think of all this. I listened to your feedback from the previous update in my plans, and hope to hear that you're all interested in the changes/new pieces! Let me know if there are needs you have for your current sets and their usage that you feel isn't being met here! I want to make sure this is the definitive, best version of things.

Thanks all!

your pub gob


you can join the revived patreon for $1 to see WIP Wednesdays posts which shares what I'm working on, and it'll be where you'll be able to see updates to the oracle dice as I work on it the easiest, I think! Not to mention, becoming a paying patron will get you day 0 access to all future backerkits to grab those earlybird tiers sooner!
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Publishing Goblin
5 months ago

Project Update: The Lords of the Dice, At Your Table | 3rd Edition?

Hello dice fiends,

A Third Edition 2025?

It's been a bit, and I can still say the Oracle Dice are my favorite tool I've ever made or used. I'm thinking about what a 3rd edition could be in 2025. I think it could be worth updating the guidebook at least, but the question does stand for me that there might be some other items around as well. I'm looking into side dice options, for example I'm considering dice for the Hot Housewives Tarot, and the Misery Tarot, and I just did three little dice as extras in the Alleyway Oracles.

Would you be interested in a re-manufacture of the main dice set, an updated guidebook, and then a few 'expansion' sets of dice? I think I'd rather do it that way, as extra dice, than part of the core set. That way people can add them if they want, but not necessary. Then of course I'd have to offer a long wood box with space for a NEW "full set"... I love my wood boxes!

So let me know in the comments your thoughts on a 3rd edition, what things you'd like to see (changes to the guide, dice, boxes, etc!) I know people requested a new reading journal for the reverse side of the reading mat! I think I'd be more interested in a cleaned up and more final 3rd edition of the dice set (with extras) than an Alleyman thing for 2025. Just really want to get the guidebook down to the final version more than anything! (Such as explaining in the darn thing what 'in shadow' means??)

The Lords at Your Table, Confluence

Now, I have something to share with you... The Lords of the Dice are, heavily, HEAVILY from my other worlds. I think I talked about this a bit during the campaign, but they aren't just random fun designs, they belong to other stories I have been working on for years and years.

You know the Alleyman, likely, and you may also know the Publishing Goblin. But did you know that the Publishing Goblin lives somewhere?

Yes, in the world of Ajurea, the Publishing Goblin based their Lords of the Dice on beings they knew from their own world. 

The Lords of the Dice are peoples from Ajurea, a world between all my worlds where through strange anomalies called Confluxes, people, places, objects, ideas, weather, magic, and technologies are pulled across space and time to share a world together. Which is to say, you can play as the lineages each of the lords hail from in Confluence: The Living Archive.

Yes, you may have heard of Confluence by now, I imagine. I've been a bit persistent.

Now, I know there are a lot of you who may have even taken a look already, seen it was a game, and tuned out. But I would like to share that there's more to it than just a game! With a new "Lore Bundle' tier, you get just the main two books that explore the world and lore of Ajurea, the land of Confluence.

Across these two books, The Atlas and Sujatha's Journal, you'll get a head-first dive into the world, learn about the people who live here, and get all the more background on these peoples and areas! As well as their unique magics and abilities.

And if you ARE the kind of person who is into Table Top Roleplaying Games... well then, be sure to check out the rest of the project! It's truly a one-of-a-kind game that only got to exist with the funds earned on projects like this and the Alleyman's Tarot, and represents my last big gasp on the project, as we seek the last bit of funding to get the books out into the world before we hopefully gear up to work on the rest of the world in future atlases!

Thank you friends, and talk again in 2025 when the dice give me another calling.

your pub gob
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Publishing Goblin
over 1 year ago

Project Update: The Publishing Goblin's Oracle Dice Now Available!

Publishing Goblin's Oracle Dice Collection – Alleyman Tarot

Over on the site, where we're offering the remaining Alleyman's Tarot sets, we are now offering the Publishing Goblin's Oracle Dice in their 2nd edition! You can get the dice set, the cloth, the guide, the wooden box, the stone dice (while they last), the oracle decks, and the art prints!

Grab the set, with the 22 dice in velvet bag, the reading cloth, and the guidebook for $45 here!

It's been a while, but I'm glad to finally be able to offer the set to everyone. I'm very proud of the set, the guide, and the divination system as a whole. I hope it will become a new favorite for all of you as well.

Thanks everyone,
your Pub Gob
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