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Publishing Goblin's Oracle Dice, 2nd Edition

Publishing Goblin's Oracle Dice, 2nd Edition

The iconic oracle dice set from the creator of the Alleyman's Tarot is back with a second edition. 21 custom made dice, 126 faces of fate... What futures will your dice foretell?
$213,809 🎉
of $50,000
Project Ended
Ended on at





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What May The Dice Foretell

Before a prepared table, by candle light, you shake the loose dice in your hands and picture your query. Throwing the dice over the table, you lean in to read what the fates, spirits, gods, or demons might answer. These 21 Lords of the Dice. You read the truth from their faces, and find it was the answers you already knew, but couldn’t admit… not yet. Seeing it across the table somehow makes it more real, though. You know what you need to do. You always have.

The Publishing Goblin’s Oracle Dice are a set of 21 custom-made dice, each a unique color with six symbols of their own, paired with an in-depth full color guidebook which will help you read your dice. Cast over your bare table, or over the grids of the reading cloths prepared just for this dice set.

Please direct all questions on the project to me through email at [email protected]. Thank you.
Follow this link for a plain-text version of the campaign page.

The Dice Set

The original dice set consisted of 14 custom 16-mm dice, but now with the 7 new dice, all 21 dice belong to an entity, one of these Lords, and their dice reflect who they are. The dice no longer speak facelessly, they are beings in a conversation with one another, and now with you as well.
As each Lord's art is complete, their images will appear.

And the seven new dice… Note that these designs and colorations are still in progress, and may yet change.


Using the Dice

The Oracle Dice set are cast out over a table, the floor, a mat made for the readings, or on any surface you might want to use. Once cast out in response to your question, you interpret the dice in a few ways.

  1. First, you decide which of the 21 dice to use that best fit your question or purpose of the reading. Then you cast them.
  2. Second, you consider where the dice landed in your reading grid, as the grid informs what the die is related to.
  3. Third, what die faces are on top, and what do they mean? The guidebook can help you with dice meanings, but each die has a unique theme that it focuses on, and each die face has its own meaning. 
  4. Fourth, how did the dice land in relation to one another? Are they grouped in a line? A triangle? A circle? This and more can come into play with reading the dice.

All of these elements come together to create a unique reading experience unlike any other.
In the video below, get a hands-on look at the first edition of the dice in use.


Pledge Tiers

Anyone who pledged in the first 24 hours (June 15th-June 16th 8am MST) will receive a free 21-card oracle card set of the Lords of the Dice.


Add Ons

Add-ons aren't in the platform just yet, but while Backerkit works with us creators on how we want add-ons to work on campaigns, we're returning to the old way of add-ons! So on this project, feel free to over-pledge by an amount of $$ equal to the add-ons you want. When the campaign ends, you'll have that $$ credit that you'll be able to use to claim the add-ons in the post-campaign page along with surveys, the same way Backerkit works post-Kickstarters.
Every Pledge Tier gets access to the Pledge Manager to add these on after the campaign ends, not just the $1 tier.

The Wood Box now features three options for the top etching. The Goblin Top, a in-design Dice Symbol Top, and a Blank Top. You will be able to choose which etching you want for each box you get in your pledge during the post-campaign pledge manager.

(This oracle deck will feature all 126 dice faces on the cards, with the same backs as the Lords Oracle and updated with the Lords Oracle card's front frames, but will otherwise be similar to the Frost card shown above!)

Stretch Goals

Stretch Goals

At each stretch goal, we add one of the 14 Lords of the Dice to the print set, listed in italics at the front of the goal, as well as other goodies! Let's take a look at what all there is to unlock!


50,000 - Funded!
75,000 - The Nameless Mariner ... and a bonus $1000 goes to Sam Dow for designing the Mariner's Die!
100,000 - The Heir of Earth - And czarfunkle gets a bonus $2000 for their work on the Lords!
125,000 - The Quivering Monarch ... and a bonus $3,000 goes to Amy Smith for their work redesigning the dice symbols and designing the Monarch's Die!
150,000 - The Gambler - And a bonus $1000 goes to Caretaker for designing the Caretaker's Die!
175,000 - The Chronicler of Choice, The Accuser ... and the artists each get a bonus $100 to their pay! +10 Community Copies and +$100 to Community funds!
200,000 - The Collector of Selves, The Tarot Keeper ... and we unlock the Goblin's Coin, a Yes/No coin that is now available as a $3 add-on.


225,000 - The Bearer of Boons, The Martyr of Wounds ... and the artists each get a bonus $100 to their pay! +10 Community Copies and +$100 to Community funds!
250,000 - The Stitch Queen, They Who Hunger ... and we unlock the Reading Journal, a 200-page workbook that is made for dice readings, now available as a $10 add-on!
275,000 - The Showman, The Alleyman ... and the artists each get a bonus $100 to their pay! +10 Community Copies and +$100 to Community funds!
300,000 - The 22nd Die is unlocked and its Lord added to the print set. We will work together through votes to determine who the Lord is, and what faces their die has!

Community Copies & Community Funds

Community Copies

For every 100 sets claimed, 1 community set will come into existence! If by the end there are 20,000 sets ordered of these dice, 200 sets will be on this list. There will be no cost to those who receive a Community Copy, not for the items, not for the shipping. Sign up for a copy with the form below.

People can also pledge at the Community Copy tier or add a Community Copy to their pledge as an add-on after the campaign, increasing this pool. So expect an increase to the copy count after the campaign is over!


                                 (Current signup is at 117)

Divination Community Funds

On the Alleyman's Tarot, I pledged onto various other tarot campaigns that came during or after, and shared them in my updates when possible. I want to formalize this a little. 5% of the final funds brought in on this campaign (after covering Backerkit and credit card fees) will be set into a fund that I will disburse to other creators on Kickstarter, Backerkit, and elsewhere during their campaigns. I will especially look for marginalized creators and those whose projects could use just a little bump to get closer to their goal (or over it!)

CURRENT COMMUNITY FUNDS: _$9,000_ (7/1/2022)

Shipping Costs and Fulfillment Schedule

Shipping, and VAT as necessary, will be charged after the campaign is finished, closer to the time we begin shipping. 
For those curious now, these are our early estimates on shipping. These are subject to change with change in shipping prices, and do not include VAT, taxes, or fees.

Click here for a spreadsheet with over 50 countries if you don't see yours here!

Fulfillment Schedule

The fulfillment schedule on this project is modular.

If we make just our base funding goal of $100,000, we intend to ship to you by October 2022.
At $200,000, we plan to ship to you by November 2022.
At $350,000, we plan to ship to you by December 2022.
At $500,000, we plan to ship to you by January 2023.
At $650,000, we plan to ship to you by February 2023.
At $800,000, we plan to ship to you by March 2023.
At $950,000, we plan to ship to you by April 2023.
At $1,000,000 and on, we plan to ship to you by June 2023.

Please note that these are estimates, and I will always keep you up to date on the latest news as the project comes to completion, including updating and moving the shipping date sooner or later.

Who We Are

Amy Smith

Amy Smith, alongside Samantha Dow and the Caretaker were guests on the first project, each designing a die of their own. Invaded by the alchemy and consumed by the process, Amy has also taken on the role of photographer for some of this project’s ad images and worked with Seven to redesign and update the designs on all the dice faces.


Ezra (they/them), also known as czarfunkle, is the creative mind behind the redesign of the guidebook cover, reading cloth, and is the illustrator responsible for bringing the 21 lords to life. They are a self-taught, neurodivergent, trans, non-binary queer artist hailing from the foothills of Colorado.

Seven Dane Asmund

Seven is the Publishing Goblin themself. They designed this set in the first edition, and redesigned and re-organized for this second edition, directed the art for the 21 Lords and the redesigned dice symbology, and wrote and re-wrote the book and all the other items. They are the one who handles all project work, from admin to campaign running to email answering to company connecting and quote collecting, it’s a lot of work but it’s what they want to do. They’re a queer author, publisher, and a million other things. They live in Colorado with their lovely orange cat, Mr. Tom Bombadil, and some kind friends.


Why Backerkit?

If you've followed my journey over these last 7 years, I've run 17 projects on Kickstarter! Kickstarter will always be a home for me, and it will always mean quite a bit to me. That being said, ever since I first used Backerkit, I wondered why they didn't have their own platform. Their assets, post-campaign management, and level of customization and back-end options for creators are incredible. 
I have strong faith in Backerkit and the creator-focused construction they're undergoing with this platform. They really listen to us, and turn around platform adjustments, fixes, and changes rapidly to support us. I've also had some talks with the heads of Backerkit about my concerns with Kickstarter's Blockchain move, which I have been pretty vocal about, and I have a good feeling that unlike Indiegogo and Kickstarter, Backerkit won't take part in Blockchain and Web3 nonsense. 
This doesn't mean I'll never run a Kickstarter again. I just want to test the waters here on Backerkit and see how I like it! Thanks for coming to take this journey with me and Backerkit, it means the world to see this platform thrive after launch!

The Publishing Goblin

The Publishing Goblin

Who is the Publishing Goblin?

I'm Seven, and I've been on an independent publishing journey for some time now! In 2010, I put together my very first book, Limping Concrete, a collection of my poetry and short stories, and self-published. It featured work from as far back as 2007. I immediately followed it up with additional books the next two years, and since that first book, I have published over 20 books, made some music, a fictional podcast, roleplaying games, board games, card games, tarot decks, these oracle dice, small video games, and more. My journey crowdfunding started under the name Cosmic Mirror Games in May of 2016 on Kickstarter. I have since run nearly 20 projects on crowdfunding platforms now, shifting from games to tarot and divination tools under the name Seven Thirteen Books, until finally accepting my title, Publishing Goblin. Now, I'm just going to start publishing anything and everything I want, and I thank you for joining me on this journey!

Look forward to the Year of the Goblin next year, where I'll be running a new project each month, to work through the backlog of ready projects that were postponed in the wake of the Alleyman.

You can find all my various projects, and links to where to buy them, on my website, www.PublishingGoblin.com.
Or stay up to date with me on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, or Facebook!

Want to purchase the Alleyman's Tarot? Find it on Alleymantarot.com! (Sales should go live mid to late June!)
The Alleyman's Tarot

Or want to listen to the Alleyman Podcast? Find it on youtube here, or find it anywhere podcasts are found!

The Alleyman Podcast

Want to purchase my newest massive books of poetry? Find them on DrivethruFiction.com!
Every Day in Love: Love's Dead The Complete Collection, and This Map is Just a Suggestion

Or maybe you are excited about board games! Well my next project, New Avernus, is an apocalyptic city-building boardgame! And since it's being manufactured and distributed by a different company than the one I'm using on this project, I'll be launching it shortly after this campaign is over!
New Avernus: Building a City for the End of the World
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