Redmatter Creations
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Locking Orders and Addresses Soon!

Hey Backers and Followers!

It's been a while hasn't it?
I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays.

The Bright Spot second draft is slowly but surely coming along. I don't have a progress bar on it, but rest assured, I'll be sending it off to an editor within the coming month or two.
I won't even get into how difficult these last three months have been for me. Since just November, my dog was diagnosed with 'prosencephaly.' His MRI showed a large portion of his cerebral cortex missing. That area fills up with fluid and causes him seizures. It's been very hard for us but he's doing okay!
I got into a car accident (don't worry, I'm okay!) which totaled out my car. If it weren't for GAP insurance, I'd have to pay $7k to close out my loan. So if you're offered it, get GAP insurance!
And of course, on top of that, we are in the middle of changing residencies! It's just non-stop for me, isn't it?

These things have brought many of my current projects to a halt, including The Bright Spot. I also just got burned out. Apparently writing 2000 words a day, every day, for two months, when you aren't used to doing that is very taxing. I'm ashamed to say that I've been avoiding it. Like a beast who cannot be tamed. Or like a dog who, no matter how many times you tell him, will not leave the poor cat alone.

Surveys will be locked soon, Likely early February. There are 6 of you who have not finished your surveys, (4 of you are my immediate family). So get that sorted before February first! Otherwise you may not get your copy of The Bright Spot when it releases!

The projected release of March/April was foolish. I had assumed that my passion would be on fire for almost a year straight with non-stop hours being put into my work. Unfortunately, I'm not Brandon Sanderson (Journey Before Destination). So The Bright Spot may be closer to releasing Q3/Q4 of 2025 and the public release would be three months later.

I can't remember if I've shown this before but here's something to look at as an apology for the delay. I created a map of the world, but it is a VERY early concept, which will be heavily revised before the full release
Map of Nivalis

I know ALL of you want to see the puppy, so here is baby Oppenheimer! He turns one year old February 1st!




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