Rina Amaranthine
3 months ago

Project Update: (Less Than) 24 Hours

If today is the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday, you could simply try worrying about the day after tomorrow instead. Give yourself a little break. 
Welcome, to Night Vale. 

Citizens due to some unfortunate interference at the station our 24 hour reminder has become 23 hours and some minutes. Have no fear though, the information is still pertinent and in fact somewhat timely. In its own way. 

We have just surpassed $475,000 raised, that means we've reached the end of our digital threats and adventures and all the goals ahead are very, very tangible.

As a reminder at $515,000 we'll be making our digital pre-gen characters into physical printed pre-gens, so those of you who prefer the feel of smooth paper can admire them at your leisure. 

At $550,000 we'll be making the threats printed as well, specifically they will be printed on paper and given to you with your game. 

At $600,000 we have the big one, the ultimate goal, an in-studio Actual Play with the famed Becca Scott. She is a talent citizens and we surely hope to demonstrate this with our campaign.

We also wanted to toss a hearty hurrah to our friends over at the O.I.A.R. and The Magnus Protocol Campaign. So many of you have taken this tiny, innocuous government organization into your hearts and we all thank you for it. 

The free wallpapers and stickers don't hurt either I'm sure. 

The clock is ticking, citizens. But we know that you'll pull through, as you always do. 
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
Becca Scott will Host a group of Night Vale Citizens as they search for the whereabouts of a missing resident and find out what that dog sitting program is all about.
Goal: $529,887.35 / $600,000
We need $70,112.65 more to reach this goal.
We would have also provided writing utensils, but those are illegal in Night Vale.
Goal: $515,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Conjoined Fowl: Conjoined because they found the ritual on the back of a cereal box.
Goal: $475,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
All damage must be calculated by a complex pattern of smoke signals. Pocket-sized calculators are illegal too.
Goal: $529,887.35 / $550,000
We need $20,112.65 more to reach this goal.




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