Roll & Play Press
about 2 years ago

Project Update: πŸ‘‘ (Closing Update) Project Fulfilled! πŸ‘‘

Hi everyone,

We hope you are all well and enjoying planning sessions with your new Monsters, Maps and Magic Items!

For those curious, here's a quick update on our progress with fulfilment and the final stages of this campaign.

Redeeming rewards

We're happy to report that almost all backers have now completed their pledge manager through BackerKit and have been able to download their rewards via our website. If you haven’t yet completed your survey, we'd encourage you to do so as soon as possible! If you have not yet received a link to your pledge manager or would like a replacement link, then please email us at [email protected], and we'd be happy to help you.

Project fulfilled

As the vast majority of backers have downloaded their rewards without issue, we are pleased to announce this project as officially fulfilled! We'd like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who supported this project. The team are constantly grateful that your support enables us to bring our wild ideas about joy-draining jesters and hippogriff-summoning thrones into reality!

Feedback and favourites

If you have downloaded your rewards, we would love to hear your thoughts on them! Drop us a comment and let us know which is your favourite. Have you had a chance to use any of the rewards in a session yet, or do you have plans to do so soon? Please tell us all about it!

Missed out?

For anyone who missed their chance to pledge on this campaign, a selection of this campaign's rewards are now available for purchase at

To make sure you are the first to hear about future crowdfunding projects, don't forget to sign up to our monthly newsletter (you’ll also receive free random tables!) You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for news and creative prompts.

Until next time, thanks so much again and keep rolling,

Sam, Kay, Beth and Pasha




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