Bring to the Purple Planet; introduce character sheets, an initiative tracker, and game data storage for Players and Judges. A DCC Purple Planet Project.
Roll Funky Dice is a platform where you click a button to make a room and invite people to it to see each other's dice rolls in real time. You can go there right now and start rolling dice! It accompanies your adventure and supports the story. Maybe you are online in front of a video camera and need a way to share dice roll results with custom dice configurations for the encounter. You might instead be in person and are forgetful of your physical character sheet. This is what Roll Funky Dice is for: It's an imp on your shoulder.
Player accounts area free. We support hosting and maintenance by making Judges' rooms available to accounts for an annual fee. These are called Judge accounts. Judges have the same capacities as Players but with the ability to maintain and set up rooms to invite Players into. Players can then log in and retrieve their character sheet for use in that room. Judges can also use the character generator to create their own characters for encounters and be placed in the initiative tracker order.
If you are not a GM, then get a Judge's account for your hard-working referee!
This is a zoomed-in view of a generated character sheet with some adjustments. I gave Blarney 2 points of experience for successfully being posted in Backerkit (huzzah!). This is editable by the players and visible to the Judge. Blarney is a 0 level character with unfortunate luck but has some potential! All accounts will be able to generate characters and create custom dice rolls for those characters. Default dice rolls get created from the weapon and stats provided by the rolls.
Current prototype is subject to phlogistonian change
This is a dynamic list. Once Blarney, Cauli and Broccoi roll their initiative, the order gets populated in a list. The items will be draggable by players to resolve same-number rolls or such fumbles as place a player (or Judge!) to the bottom of the initiative order.
Current prototype is subject to phlogistonian change
You will have the opportunity to create an account. This is where a Player can save their character sheets and pull them into the room they are adventuring in. Enter a room and log in to have access to your characters.
Current prototype is subject to phlogistonian change
Let's say you are the owner of a room and you want to save the current session of rolls as a reminder of what happened last session.
Current prototype is subject to phlogistonian change
The Purple Planet horde has set up stretch goals for the horde. In addition, the following will happen for RollFunkyDice.
BACK THREE BONUS: If you back at least (3) other members of the horde, you will get a BACKERKIT exclusive mini-adventure from RollFunkyDice called ESCAPE FROM THE LAND OF DOS when you back this project. This will be a printed item that I'll send to the address you provide in the Pledge Manager.
$1,000 Achievement: Enhanced Player view. A separate page that displays your characters. It will operate as a green room for refining your characters, creating custom dice rolls and testing them out before the biggest adventure of their lives!
$2,000 Achievement: At this goal we'll be able to pay for more original art from C. Aaron Kreader for base character class illustrations and art to fill the margins wherever possible.
Check the Achievements tab for stretch goals for just this project. Additional stretch goals apply if you pledge for more than one project - see graphic below!
Encounter Stretch Goal: You will have the option of having the physical edition of the Drop-In Encounter shipped to you or opt to receive it digitally. Shipping will be collected in the pledge manager at the end of the campaign.
Unless you request otherwise, all DOMESTIC mail will be shipped using MEDIA MAIL. Product will be shipped from the United States via USPS to all domestic backers. Expect to pay double the MEDIA MAIL rate that if you elect to have it sent via PRIORITY MAIL (an option that is insured, and usually moves a lot faster through the postal system). For approximations check with USPS to see standard rates, and add a couple of USD to account for packing supplies and labor.
For areas outside of the US we have seen prices vary. Canada is about double the prices listed above, and most other regions vary from 4 to 6 times the costs listed above. We ship with either USPS, UPS, or in some cases FEDEX, whichever offers the best rates.