Apologies, Islanders - I managed to miss January's update. It would have been a brief one anyway, I admit. So is this month's update - a lot is happening behind the scenes, to be unveiled over the next couple of months.
Remarkably, things are looking... OK? Good, even? No news is good news, under this heading.
Hollows is still in editing - and that's normal. There's a lot of book, ergo there's a lot of editing. This very afternoon, I've had a delightful meeting with Mina (McJanda; art director and layout maven) about page design, paper weights, and ribbon - so we've done a lot of good groundwork ahead of starting layout.
Last update, writing was nearly complete; now it is complete. It's nice when a plan comes together. Art is still trickling in, but that's almost complete too. Behold, for example, Letty Wilson's stunningly unpleasant sketches for Chris Taylor's fairytale Hollow.
Art by Letty Wilson
That lupine thing is called The Worst Wolf. It's the manifestation of every wolf in every story. Every child's nightmare, now bound in service to a teacher whose personal hell is the power of children's imagination.
That brings us to the end of a short but gruesome update. More soon.