Sam's Secret Unreleased Game

A while back I put out this game We Three Shall Meet Again through my friend and Dice Exploder two time cohost Ema Acosta's Patreon. It's a weird and beautiful little game. Here's the blurb:

This is a story game, and the story goes like this: Once upon a time, on the edge of a dark forest, three witches were cursed to share one body. They took turns living out days, never meeting, communicating only by post-it notes and dirty dishes while they searched for a way free. It’s a story about regret, bodily autonomy, and bad roommates.

You play in three acts: an in-person Opening Gathering, a Time Apart of asynchronous play through notes, and an in-person Closing Gathering. Each of you plays for about 30 minutes to 1 hour every week.

I'm proud of the game I put out with Ema, but I've always wanted to do an expanded edition that lives up to the full picture I had for the game in my head. And last month, I finished it! Right now the only other place to get it is through the Bully Pulpit Games Patreon through a collaboration I did with them.

But for backers of Dice Exploder season 4, you can get the full game and the "forbidden knowledge" companion doc as pdfs just as soon as this campaign is over.

This pledge tier also includes voting on the Backer-curated episode.

Sam's Secret Unreleased Game


13 Backers