Shiloh Walker
8 days ago

Project Update: Y'all, the curtains are just blue...

Sometimes, I'll see a meme that's just so relatable to me as either a reader or writer, i have to share.

Today is one of those days.

There's no denying I'll put things in my books that have a deeper meaning.

I touch on issues like depression, being neurodivergent and trauma in a number of my books.

I almost always find a way to be 100% a smart-ass even when some of my books get really dark or I'm dealing with rougher subjects...frex when Ivy just escapes assault by her soon-to-be-ex, thanks to a certain bear...and she asks him...

And geek references abound. It's not uncommon for me to slip little facts about my hometown in a book if I place a story in an area local to me.

Ivy will have a couple of pet birds that she adopted from a rescue and she names them after a favorite author duo.

So, yes, there are absolutely times when things in my books have a deeper meaning...but, if it's just the curtains, or a carpet, the walls...dude, they're just curtains.😊

I had a crazy busy day. getting my newsletter out and doing up graphics and such, updating my newsletter so we might skipping trivia tonight but I'll have a new question tomorrow.

Make sure you're playing along and participating because...hey, prizes.

And if anybody has guesses they wanna share with the group...I'm curious to hear.

Just a reminder for those who haven't backed yet, if you back by 9/15, you get the free digital coloring book and y'all, it's so cool. I'm tickled unto death by how it turned out.

We reached another milestone! 150 Backers. 

Let's see if we can crash through $6k so we can get a dustjacket!
62 votes • 5 days left
If we get to $6000, we talk dust jackets!
Goal: $6,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Once we hit the goal, I'll commission a second piece of NSFW art
Goal: 150 backers reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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