Megan Caza
25 days ago

Project Update: Dino Dog Results & Journal Mechanic

Campaign Updates

The results of the poll are in. Both Backerkit and Discord agreed Purple Back Leg is the way to go.

I've adjusted the Backerkit graphics to match the new design.

We're 141$ away from unlocking the Dino Dogs set as of this update.

While the campaign funding has slowed but this is pretty normal after the first launch week. I'll continue to post the campaign on social media and other websites but if you know any other virtual pet players that might be interested, you can share the campaign with them to help.

It's a great way for friends to join the game as every backer gets a free Early Access code that would normally be valued at 10$ USD. But by backing, you can get an alpha code and an enamel pin for only 8$ USD + shipping.

Game Mechanic - Health Journal

Health journaling was one of our most important features when we launched the website. It built the positive health aspect of the game and will continue to push our direction for years to come.

Every player is given one journal to record and keep track of. For each day you fill out your journal, you recieve 5 snooze coins to use on seeds/clothing/adoption/etc. We will explore ways to spend coins in a future update.

Though users can only keep one type of journal at once, there are currently four types of journals with more to be added in the future. Below are the current four types:

  1. Mental Health - Keeps track of your anxiety, depression, stress, and productivity. It also tracks factors that might affect your mental health like sleep, positive habits, negative habits, etc.

  2. Chronic Pain  - Keeps track of your pain levels, the type of pain, and the location of the pain. It also tracks factors that might affect your pain such as sleep, activity level, water intake, weather, etc.

  3. Productivity - This journal is aimed towards nuerodivergent individuals who may have trouble organizing their day. With this journal you must plan your tasks for the next day. The next day's journal will include the tasks assigned from the previous day, allowing you to check off whether or not they were completed.

  4. Generic Journal - This journal is aimed towards members who don't feel quite right for the other journal types. It tracks ratings for physical health, mental health, emotional health, spiritual health, social health, food health, exercise, sleep, etc.

In the future, we aim to have a .pdf export feature to download your journal to your computer. This way you can easily take your information to doctor's appointments in an easy to read format.

For now, you do have access to a Quick Facts journal page once you've filled out enough entries (7, 30, 90, 265) where you can access percentages and statistics for your journal entries.

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