Snowbright Studio
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: An inky update

Hello spooks and spirits! We’re hard at work prepping ink for 2023 and wanted to share a few updates with you all.

The Pledge Manager
Pledge manager emails will go out in early 2023, so if you were worried that you missed it, rest assured that you have not! 

The Book
The game book is currently wrapping up final layout. We are really excited about how it's shaping up, and it will be floating over to the book printer soon!

The Box
All the bits and bobs that are going to be tucked inside the Deluxe Boorista Box are also in their final designs and are going over to the box printer right after the book files are sent.

The Map
In other exciting news… design has wrapped up on the ink map! Catch a preview of part of it below. The Ink is a shifting, shadowy, liminal space so our goal was to communicate both the scope and wonder of the Ink while showcasing how the islands in the Ink, known as Keys, may shift around as your spirited players explore. There are also a few sneaky peeks at what lays above and beyond the Ink, so keep your eyes (however many you might have) open to spot some of them.

part of the ink map, a ghost sips coffee by the inky waters

Live Play

Girls Run These Worlds will be running a live play of ink on December 19th as part of their Winter One Shot series! You can catch the broadcast at 8pm ET on their Twitch channel.

Girls Run These Worlds, ink promo image

Stay spooky,






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