William C. Tracy
11 days ago

Project Update: First Stretch Goal Unlocked!

Hi Folks!

We just passed our first stretch goal at $6,000 in only 4 days! We love to pay our authors, and this goal means we get to pay them more! Now our four Hugo-Award winning and bestselling authors, as well as all the authors we select from submitted stories, will get an extra $0.01 per word in payment!

I also wanted to mention my amazing Collab Partner again, Aimee Cozza, and her project for The Warm Machine, about two gay robots running off together. It's an amazing concept, and I'll certainly be getting a copy!

Since both campaigns are funded, that means anyone who backs any physical reward will also get 6 out of the 56 card deck of oracle cards! The names for the 6 cards we're contributing are: Unknown, Freedom, Decommission, Love, Space, and Journey!

Now, if you're only backing at a digital level, but have pledged to both campaigns and want these cards (and who wouldn't?) there's an easy fix. Any physical addon will make sure you get your cards! Both campaigns have stickers, art, and charms for anywhere from $1 to $5, so it's easy to ensure you get these cool looking cards. I'm going to be backing a bunch of campaigns over the next week or so to make sure I get my full set!
(did I mention you can also get a custom box to keep them in courtesy of Claudia Blood's Reimagined campaign?)

Thank you all again for making this amazing project a reality. I have a feeling I'll be back before too long to talk about our next stretch goal for illustrations...

Until next time...

William Tracy




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