William C. Tracy
4 months ago

Project Update: Second Stretch Goal Unlocked: Illustrations!

Hi Folks!

We just crossed over our second stretch goal, and now our anthology will come with 5 illustrations! We're hoping to have our amazing illustrator from our previous anthologies, Katie Cordy, work with us again. Here are some previous examples of her work, including one of the pieces in Fiery Deeps, our new anthology releasing this Tuesday!

We've got another 11 days to go in the campaign, so keep getting the word out to friends and family! Our next stretch goal is looming on the horizon. This one is again to pay it back to our anthology authors (and we're already starting to get submissions!)

At $8,000, We'll pay all our writers another $0.01 per word!

Remember, after that, we get fancy at $10,000, with upgrades for our hardback version!

Hope your September is stupendous, and I'll talk to you soon!

William Tracy
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