We are heading into the final days of the funding period. We've already met our goal! Woot! Backers get ready to receive your rewards.
If you're one of the many project followers that hasn't backed us yet, time is running out. A complete 15 page adventure, monster lore, tokens, and maps could be yours for only $1.00.
Sample monster token from Monsters and Lairs. Available as an add-on to this project!
Don't forget all our previous projects are available at a discount by backing this project! You can find links and more details about our previous books and map packs on our website, www.statuseffectgamesllc.com .
Remember, all the work on Hag Initiate is done. The rewards ship soon after the project funding period ends, so be ready to answer reward surveys (all we really need is your email address to send a link to the rewards). Remember, all rewards are hosted on Drivethrurpg. Make sure to set up a free account.