-All Books are fully written and done through Copy Edits. All we are waiting on is cover art to be finalized so then Layout and Typeset can be polished off!
-DiAmorte is polishing off the mix and master on the Black Ballad Metal Album! Their ETA to finish is the end of the month. According to Drake - this is one of the most complex mix and masters they've ever done given the Choir, Orchestra, Band, Lyrics, and all the elements. I've heard some sneak peaks and the new vocals really friggin' fit the vibe.
-Cover Progress! Mortal Coils and Memory Thief are nearing the ends of their drafts, and To Slay A God will soon follow. (Duskwalker is already finished!)
-Pledge Manager for final orders will be run as soon as cover art is finished, so we can ship once books are done with layout! Unlike TTRPG's, typeset and layout will not take as long.
But here is some current cover art progress for Memory Thief!
Now SPEAKING of Stealing Memories!
Announcing our next TTRPG! Festivals of the Forgotten: Revelations of the Dark Carnival
This time, The Eldritch Author and I co-wrote a full TTRPG book that is a healthy blend of new player options, setting, and adventure. Based on the results of the poll for the Black Ballad: Players Handbook and Novels were the two highest picks!
We will be launching soon, and if you are a TTRPG enthusiast with a love of magnificently evil and over the top villainy... sign up on the launch page!