15 days ago

Project Update: Yue Plush Info

Hi everyone! Many have asked this week about Yue's whereabouts, so I want to answer that in a big update so everyone can know together!

So, Yue's bulk was shipped promptly January 20th. I did get his bulk secured at the same time as everyone else's, however Yue's bulk took a bit of extra time to finish up and was therefore shipped a bit later than Hyacinth, Hydrangea, and Skye (Swirly was shipped at the same time as Yue as well).

Typically, once the bulk's been shipped, it takes approximately 3-4 weeks to then reach me. So while he is not here just yet, he is already been finished for a while and has been shipped already and is on his merry way to me as I write this update. I estimate his bulk arriving around mid or late February, and of course fulfillment will begin immediately ASAP once I have everything here.

Even though it's out of my hands and the delay was beyond my control, I am still so, so terribly sorry for this delay with his bulk arriving to me and not updating properly about him, thus possibly causing worry and concern. Since he was shipped Jan. 20 it's normal and expected for him to not be here yet, but I again profusely apologize for the extra wait regarding him and that I didn't make a big update on him sooner. I thank you all who are waiting for Yue for your amazing and kind patience. I can't wait to finally start sending everything out to you all!

Please let me know if you have any questions in the comments, or if you'd prefer to email me my email is [email protected]! My top priority is to make sure everyone's happy and satisfied, so making sure everything goes smoothly is of upmost importance, so please don't hesitate at all to reach out with any and all questions you may have. I'm always happy to help in any possible way I can.

As always, thank you so so much for your support and patience! I hope you all have a great day! <3 and Thank you for everything




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